Well I am retared trying to replace my head lights and the metal snap thing that hold them in place fell off so while trying to screw it down I apparently pushed waaay too hard and well hole went all the way through the head light OH JOY! So I am going try try and call Merlin on monay see if I can get a new head light or I will rig something up because only thing that is going to stop me from going to moab is me losing a leg and I dont see that happening anytime soon.

So if anyone has a spare drivers side headlight they dont mind parting with I would apreciate it. I will pay whatever I need to to get it... except that arm and a leg because I have become attached to them.

Also if I cant get a headlight in time anyone ahve suggestions on a temp fix. If need pictures will take them and post them later. I have to go back outside to do some more work on the vx.

thanks again.