So Tom mentioned in another thread a possible way that I could actually meet up with you all in Moab this year and it just might work, but I need someone or some people to help make it happen.

-I will be flying in to Provo, Utah on the 9th for a track meet and I can simply change my return flight for the 14th or 15th.

-So no problem getting me there, but getting the Little(Big)Beast there is another story. I have thought of two options:

#1 - A VXer driving through Houston (with a partner) could pick up my VX in Houston, and then I could pay them gas plus their troubles.


#2 - A VXer driving through Houston WITH A TRAILER HITCH could tow my VX on a trailer to Moab. I would cover trailer (of course) and split the gas bill with whoever wants to do it.

What do you guys think? Oh and in case some of you don't know, the reason I cannot simply get back in Houston on sunday and drive my VX up there myself, is I have the Olympic Trials coming up on June 29th and 30th and I cannot, absolutely cannot sit in a car and drive that far with the one event I have been training for for the last 4 years coming up this closely, I hope you all understand and maybe we all can figure out a way for me to join you all, but if not be safe and hope to see you all in Moab on a non-Olympic year.

I personally would rather split one gas bill than pay for one whole one, but whatever it takes let me know if either of these ideas are options. Thanks again. :bwgr: