Last year we had a great trip and a great group turned out. This year the location will change to add some variety. This years trip will be a overnighter with camping in an Arizona canyon next to a flowing creek! The first day (Sat.) will be about 8 hours of off roading that will take us through Arizona hills, valleys, and canyons. We will pass old mines that still contain the original mining equipment (they were so remote it was cheaper to leave it than to remove it), old buildings, and indian cliff dwellings. The second day will be shorter with only a few hours of driving on basically dirt roads so everyone can get an earlier start on the way home (for those with longer drives).

So, now that I've got your attention here are the details:
WHEN Nov. 1&2 2008 7:30am
WHERE We will meet in Mammoth Arizona at the Circle K (there is only one)
The trail will exit in Klondyke Arizona (near Safford).
WHAT The trail is "Rug Road"

This trail is rough (read "slow") and has a few obstacles. But I don't think it will be a problem for the VX. Remember it is a trail though and the conditions can change with the summer monsoons. I will try to do an exploration run as the time nears to check it out. We will probably have a fe non VXers along for the journey also. So feel free to invite a friend.
Last years long distance award went to Cyronman who drove from San Diego and Uncle Asa who came without VX from Russia.
So who will join us this year?

THIS is a little peek from a friend and fellow Zu owners trip.