Due to some serious mechanical inexperience on my part; this past weekend when I painted my calipers, installed the braided steel brake lines, installed the new rotors and installed the new pads I didn't plug up the brake lines and the whole brake system ended up running dry. After a day and a half of bleeding the brakes there was still some air in the system that I just couldn't seem to get at. I finally threw in the towel this morning and brought the VX to a mechanic. He said that it was probably the fact that the ABS module had run dry too, and it is very hard to get air out of them unless you can get them to fire. He said that he has a computer that he can hook up to the VX to get the ABS to cycle, but he was slammed with work and the only reason he said that he would squeeze me in is because of the VX, and the fact that he and his business partner have been looking for one to turn it into an electric vehicle. They wanted mine there so they could get a closer look at one. It is now 4:30 on Friday, and I haven't heard back from him yet. I don't think that they work on the weekends so Monday sometime might be the earliest that I can get the VX back.

With all of that said, it looks like I might miss the CoZuvoy, at a minimum, and may end up missing ZuZoo all together unless this guy can get his act together. If I get it back Monday I may be pulling into Moab very late so I can at least make the VX run.

I HOPE to see everyone soon.