
I don't think anyone is posting yet because we've all been so tired.
Yes, this year has been a little chilly. It rained on Monday day and Monday evening and the temperature got down into the lower 40's Monday night. Tuesday was partly cloudy and WINDY. The wind was brutal so most of us where in jeans and jackets. The wind died down as the day went on, but it really didn't get that warm. I think the high was in the upper 60's. With 20 VX's, a Trooper and an FJ we didn't get back to camp until late, and we headed right to Todd's BBQ so there wasn't much time to post that day.

Wednesday morning started early. A few of us did Seven Mile Rim, a few others did Poison Spider, and others did Hell's Revenge. The same tub that claimed Ldub last year claimed one of Zues' tie rods this year. I saw him driving around town a little while ago, so he must have gotten in fixed (at least temporarily). Last night was diner with most of us at Fiesta Mexicana, then the party moved back to the parking lot of Red Rock Inn. After a couple of margarita's and some serious peer pressure, Ldub and Jay Dunford ended up lifting my VX in the parking lot (I bought a set of 912's from dub). I have pictures and I will post them when I get back home.

Today (Thursday) our numbers dwindled as a few people left town last night and this morning. One group (led by Todd) went to do Fins and Things, a second group (led by Big Swede) headed out to do Metal Masher, and a third group headed out to a canyon (that I can't remember the name of) for some wheelin' and sight seeing.

So far it's been a great trip and unfortunately I have to leave today to head to Vegas (Awwww....tough life). Our numbers continue to dwindle, but the hard core VXers will be here until the weekend. There is talk of a group doing Poison Spider tomorrow. I'm sure once everyone gets home there will be a TON of pictures posted up so you'll get a good feel of what has been going on out here.

It was great (as always) to see some old friends and meet some new ones. Start planning for next year so we can get even MORE VX's out here and meet even more of the family.

Hope all is well back in civilization.

Signing out from Moab....