OK, so I really want to put together a nice little book for the ZuZu 2008 gathering this year. I will be using Blurb ( http://www.blurb.com/ ) to put it all together. I'm not sure how big it will be yet or how much it will cost, all that is TBD.

Now, I have photos from several of you (VXIronWoman, Jay, Ldub, Pbkid, Crager, and Ascinder). So, what I would like from the rest of you, is like your 5-10 best photos in full resolution to include in the book, that is, if you want. If you have more than 10 you think are book worthy, that's fine too (the more the better actually), just break up the emails so my inbox doesn't get slammed to hard.

So, if you have photos you think should be in the book, mail them to me - nfp (at) nofuture (dot) com. Please give each photo a number of some kind, and a label so I know who sent it ( i.e. tomdietrying01.jpg, tomdietrying02.jpg, etc ) or something like that. Then, please include as much info about the pic as you can ( i.e.: tomdietrying01.jpg = Poison Spider, May 15th, Jofotoz VX on the dunes, etc, photo by Tom).

I want to include nice captions and such. I know you guys have the pics out there, and I don't want to slack on this and get it done like 6 months later. Speaking of which, I hope to get my 7 hours of video captured over the next couple months and get some DVDs together. I watched the first 2 hours of our Hell's Revenge adventure and the footage looks awesome in widescreen.

Anyway, if anyone has any ideas for the book, throw them my way. I never did get portraits of everyone, but I think we should have enough photos between all of use to get everyone in there for several pages.

