I have sporadically played some 360 whenever I could at my old roommate's place.
And my other friend recently, finally got one as well. I'm very impressed at he games/gameplay, and so now it's about time for me to catch up with the times and put out for the current console.
Only thing, even though I've never played one, I'm somewhat leaning towards a ps3.
Must have something to do with the
80g/new dual shock controller/metal gear 4 bundle coming out this month.
I also just think it looks better, and it has the blu-ray to boot. Plus, my old roommate went through 3 360s.

I also figure the free online play will get a lot of attention, and if there are any exclusive Xbox games I need to play, I'll just let my friends get them. I dunno, then I couldn't borrow from them though...
I've read reviews, watched videos of gameplay on Youtube, IGN, etc. and read the VG threads here on the forum.
I'm still just a coin-toss away from either system.
Just looking for any more volunteered advice from my "pals" here.

P.S. I will NOT be getting a Wii so don't try to convince me!