Bart, I would at least change your diff fluid no matter at if it has been 30k. I think the intervals is 15K. But I could be wrong and probably am. The seal is about $14 but a pain in the arse to get to. Our axel is set up to only be serviced by taking it off the brackets and dropping. I have had this leak for quite some time, maybe a year now. Everytime I have either added oil or changed it stopped. Changing this seal out is going to be one heft mech ticket, the estimate is 4hours of labor and this is why I have not done it yet. In the meantime I did manage to build some drop brackets so we can tackle that at the same time. I am not 100% sold on it being the seal but I kind of think it is. The spray pattern seems to be from circular motion while in drive.
Thanks for the info, J. I am planning to do my diffs very soon, so we'll see...
If we go thru the trouble of dropping the diff we mite as well do the CV boots too, get it all with one shot. My leek is very slow so I can wait. I know my CV boots are next so if it is the seals I can wait.
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