Has anyone ever tried (or even heard of) this stuff:



(from website)

When you wax your car, the paint looks great. But the trim around the windows is caked with wax residue that won't come off no matter how much you scrub. You thought by waxing your car, it would look better, but the ugly wax buildup on the rubber trim makes you wonder if it was worth it. Bumper and Trim Black permanently recolors and protects all black plastic, vinyl, and rubber surfaces. Armor All has is great for protecting, but it does nothing to hide ugly wax buildup on your trim. That's when you need to harness the power of Bumper and Trim Black. Bumper and Trim Black is a polymer-based dye. Not silicone based. It's totally safe. Another problem with those silicone-based, greasy plastic protectants it the way they attract the dust. That stuff is like a dust magnet. But, because Bumper and Trim Black dries completely, it won't attract dust. Bumper and Trim Black will not wash off. Even after 50 car washes, it still looks great. It's easy to apply.
I'm really not sure how I ran across it...
I was doing a search on a totally different subject, and then suddenly, there it was.

Thoughts & Opinions WELCOME!