Quote Originally Posted by disasterlady View Post
I work in disaster relief... when I work. Almost was killed in Mississippi during the Katrina Disaster when a car got sideswiped and flew into my path from the other side of the freeway, they died, I lived, but with many major injuries, so I am still on Workers Comp trying to get better.

God is good because I was back driving my vcross within 3 months... I'm not much for wheelchairs. ;p Most people can't tell anything is wrong by looking at me. I probably won't ever be able to jog again, but hey, life on earth is short and I know that there is a fantastic eternity next ( ANOTHER LONG STORY ) so it's cool. Hey and at least I was in a rental car that got totaled and not my baby, although in 2007, I got T-boned on the passenger side as I stated.

thanks for asking... and Merry Christmas to ya.
Wow Julie! How aweful, I am so sorry! You have an awesome outlook! We all have to remember that how ever bad we think we have it, there is always someone worse off! Just when I was feeling like a pansy crybaby with my little stuff, I really am thankful I can walk and am not disfigured.