Apperently the peppermill is reasonable. I have never stayed there though so I couldnt speak to the quality. There are some on Bart's and mine side of town but they are pricy I think. One is brand spankin new, only been open a few months.
Found this, thought you might enjoy it....
Peppermill looks good, thanks!
Thx for the dancing Yoda too! Needed to squirt soda out of my nose
Well we were trying but it looks like we are out. We are still trying to catch up from Moab so its not smart for us to go.
Well, who is left now?
I need to know since I already fronted up money to reserve the campsites and now I am gonna be out that money or at least a cancellation fee for the sites. Please RSVP with your absolute response so I can call on Monday and see if I can cancel 1 or 2 of the sites.
Thanks - Bart
OK everyone, we have had three people drop from the list (Ascinder has not replied yet, but he told me he is not going cause he has to work).
At this point, I am ready to cancel the whole thing. My wife doesn't wanna go, Richard, Clint and Beau are out. I know Richie said he might have to work which leave me, Justin and James. Not that I don't wanna go but I am a little discouraged at this point.
Yeah, at this point, I am cancelling the trip alltogether. Maybe we can try for another weekend.
Sorry fellas, I guess it didn't work out. Hopefully I can cancel the reservations still and not get dinged to hard. I know there is a cancellation fee, but hopefully they will be nice and not hit me for all three sites. I hope I have enough time to cancel.
Justin, come over to Reno in your new Jeep and we can run the Rubi or the Fordyce Creek Trail. Seriously, anytime, bro. We got 2 spare beds.
Clint, don't overreact, buddy. The only problem I have is that people should have said "maybe" instead of "yes". Like I said, hopefully I won't get dinged on the $138 worth of campsites I booked.
Well whatever I am, I am sorry, I appear to have been the one who broke the Camels back.
Clint, not really, it just seemed like everyone cancelled on the trip at the same time all of a sudden. I saw you and Cari on Friday night and everything seemed cool, and then Saturday it was a no go for half the crew. Its really not a big deal.
I called and cancelled. I will be charged a total of $60 ($10 fee per site, plus my $10 non-refundable reservation fee). For those who cancelled, don't worry about the money, just kick in a little to the forum for me.