First off, I just want to say thanks to Scott for making and maintaining this forum. Without it, I would not have met my Reno boys, and I quite honestly don't know who else I would have called, except maybe a tow truck, which would have probably cost me a few stacks at least.

Now, onto the fun. At the end of our street, is a dirt road, which leads down a small hill to a shallow (in places) drainage canal. I wanted to cross this little waterway to get to the dirt road behind it, which leads off into the foothills. There is another way to get to said dirt road, but it is kind of outta the way. So I drove along the canal until I found a suitable crossing spot, and I took it. Everything was great until I reached the other side which was basically a freakin sink hole of quicksand. As soon as I got across I was stuck. This is the kind of mud that when you stand on it you will sink in up to your knees in seconds. The VX is slightly heavier than me, and so this is what happened.

My front right tire was all but completely covered. I knew I wasn't getting out of this mess alone.

So I called Clint who thankfully lives only one exit away. And he came right away. Thanks again, dude.

I broke out the tow strap and got unstuck rather quickly with Clint's VX pulling.

After I got out and back on flat road, I felt the wobble. There was so much mud packed into my wheels that my VX was riding incredibly off balance. I went to the car wash and pressure cleaned as much of it out as I could, but I think I am going to need to take all my wheels off one at a time and really get in there, which sucks, but I gotta do it.

Anyway, stay away from those tar pits! And thanks again, Clint for the rescue.
