Well,gas prices seems to step a few cents down,here in NYC the regular hit 4,35 in most of the gas stations.

But today while i was on break time some thing came into my mind.....

Since the regular gas were costing 4.35 two weeks ago & today you can find the premium gas (93) at 4.19 why shouldn't i keep paying the same amount for a better octane gas ?

I know that the VX engine was build to use 87,we all clear about this one,but the manufacturer didn't say "HEY ! DON"T USE PREMIUM GAS" the manufacturers only recommends car owners to use at minimum 87 octane in order for the engines to run within the specs.

We already paid 4.35 for regular gas so the question is : Is worth or isn't worth to pay 4.19 for premium even though the regular can be found at 4.05,
but you already paid 4.35 for the regular however you can pay 4.19 for the premium.