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Thread: Driver stereotypes

  1. #1
    Member Since
    Jun 2002
    2001 Ebony S/C #1304
    Thanked: 10

    Driver stereotypes

    Now, I am the last person in the world to ever be labeled as an "aggressive driver". Now anyways. I admit to being arrested years ago for street racing and having a couple of absolutely silly accidents, but we are talking quite some time ago. Lessons learned, the duckling has emerged in form of a fine swan. Now, I personally think I am a halfbreed of aggressive and defensive, which probably puts me in the norm that appreciates spirited driving. Crazy, stupid stuff waits for a closed circuit track for autoX.

    However, when the "norm" drives something like an alien VX or a modded WReX, they tend to stand out, so no matter how you drive and whatever you do, your actions are most likely seen by everyone. Suddenly, simple spirited driving looks dangerous to everyone because all attention is on you. I still recall years ago going to a VX beach in the VX, I got a ticket for doing 76 in a 65. And "I" was the one getting passed the whole way there. However, all of the other cars on the road were your average, everyday vehicles. *insert eyebrow raising HERE*

    Am I wrong here? Think about it.... let's switch the track just a bit just to make another comparable point. Look at street bikes for a second. Fast, agile, little bastards. Now granted, most riders ARE douche bags around here on them and are out looking for trouble and ride them like they have only moments to live (many do at that point, I am sure), but the majority of them are also young and probably have something to prove to themselves and everyone around them. There are some responsible riders as well though, so I am not judging them as a whole. They don't even have to drive in a spirited manner to instantly be labeled a55hats though. They gain auto-labeling because they are "assumed" to be one of those other morons who makes them look bad with the way they ride. One reason why I sold my bikes years ago and gave up riding altogether. It's "what you ride" and "what the other riders ride like" that gets you tagged. I get a very similar tag since I drive a WReX. Most drivers of WReXs here are young and fall into what even police like to call the "Boy Racer" crowd. So, I know for a fact that, at least with my car, I am pre-tagged.

    But, back to my original point, when driving in a spirited, but not dangerous manner to anyone including yourself, do you ever stop to think exactly what other motorist might be thinking anyways? I mean, especially since we ARE in vehicles that stand out or have a "reputation" anyways. I am sure if a silver Honda Accord zipped by you doing 75mph in the fast lane on a highway, you wouldnt flinch and would probably continue singing along to a song on your radio that you dont even know the words to. However, flip that now. YOU are in the Accord and a modded car or even a VX does that. One, it gets your attention, so you probably stop pretending to sing a song you dont even know. Then, you judge (considering at this point, you are Joe Average).

    I am just curious what others think. It's probably tough for us to look at it another way since we are car enthusiasts. This has been on my mind this morning since my commute today was rather eye opening and baffling. What I always considered average driving (c'mon, I get passed by 50% of the traffic on the highway and am RARELY in the passing lane.... I have nothing to prove and when I do, I take it to autoX where I can show my balls to other folks who have the balls to do the same) apparently was getting negative attention this morning, even hollered at by a UPS driver (for turning left behind him at an intersection that HE failed to use a turn signal so I was too close to his arse?). But ya, today was simply, odd. So far, I equate it to the fact that, no matter how "light to average" you drive, it is the car you are in that provides your judges/fellow traffickers with a first impression. I am just tired of being the a55hat that has "0" points on his ID and no dents and dings (well, tiny ones from autoX, but different story) to prove a driver worthy of the privilege. What is it that other motorists seem to find unredeeming (is that even a word?) about it? As Yoda would say, I need to meditate on this one.

    Clearly, today's commute upset me a bit, which trust me, is very difficult to do, heh.

    Gary Noonan
    '01 S/C VX / '18 Forester XT

  2. #2
    Member Since
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    2000 Proton VX - 0776
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    AAHHH, you've hit the nail on the head. Stereo typing is never a good thing.

    My personal 'pet peeve' is people who have no concept of how to properly merge into traffic on 95 (or don't care). They'll push forward in the merge lane till it is completely gone and then cop an attitude when you won't let them in - just so they can get 3 cars ahead in traffic that isn't going anywhere anyway.

    This morning as usual, I let in 2-3 drivers who were merging properly but when the lane ended - no more. One driver kept creeping closer & closer but I didn't back off & he finally pushed in 2 cars behind. I guess I stereo typed because he waved thanks to the driver who let him in & didn't give me the finger when he eventually got next to me.

    I diverge however - you were asking if we feel stereo typed while driving the VX. Personally, I've never noticed it happening to me.

    Put a smiley after you say that Bub.

  3. #3
    Member Since
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    Former owner of Supercharged #0604, now in withdrawal
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    Maybe just one of those days when the weird things happen?

    You certainly have a point about people assuming that any little twitch of the steering wheel by someone in an "extrovert's" car is an attempt to run them off the road, but there's little to be done about that. It's like Carlin said - anyone who drives faster than you is an animal; while anyone who drives slower than you is an idiot.

    I am what just about everyone would call an "aggressive driver" in that I drive fast, I use all the lanes available to me, and I don't wait for people to to arise from their left-lane slumber to get past them. I make my own opportunities on the road. I'm well into the 99th percentile on this - occasionally someone passes me (the lunatics!), but in general I'm the one that is passing everyone else on the road. My preferred highway speed is 95 mph (not in the VX, though).

    But - I don't cause any accidents or kill innocent children by the dozen wherever I drive. Heck, I don't even cause people to hit their brakes. I'm smoothe like butter. But I get my share of negative attention, especially when I'm outside CT (where the daily commute runs at a steady-as-a-rock 80 mph). It's probably worse when I'm in one of the extroverted cars (Mini, VX, 928).

    I don't know if this rambling is actually answering your question - I guess I'm saying that my driving definitely gets negative attention, but it is done (mostly) in extroverted cars, and I am indeed a freaking lunatic to most people on the road.

  4. #4
    Member Since
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    2000 Proton VX - 0776
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    Next time yer in VA, lemme know so I can stay home

  5. #5
    Member Since
    Feb 2006
    2001,Kaiser Silver, VX, 0563
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    yah! i agree with u gary... i do it too.. when i see a suburban on 22's i just assume that hes gonna drive like a jerk.. saw a rabbit today with a euro plate on the front.. pretty much assumed he was going to try to pass me the first chance he got but he did (well he tried... i wouldnt let him )

    also noticed i get a lot more angry looks when i drive by since adding the PV... even if im not actually going that fast or accelerating that hard.. people just hear it and get angry.. little old lady at the bottom of the hill shakes her fist at me all the time in the vx.. but never in my roommates legacy.. and he drives faster than i do

  6. #6
    Member Since
    May 2006
    Thanked: 2
    Its minivans. I stereotype them bigtime. Its always the minivans driving crazy...I don't get it.


  7. #7
    Member Since
    Jun 2002
    2001 Ebony S/C #1304
    Thanked: 10
    Allow me to add to the stereotype, though, it seems to be rather thruthful around this way....

    Funny that you mention minivans, because around this way, they drive like they are late for a funeral. Wait, let me back up a sec.... in general, just about anything around here that eats up gas, less than 20mpg, drives like it has been stolen. I swear, and because of this, the next time I hear someone who owns one of those things complaining about gas prices, I am gonna happily wear the silver bracelets for punching them right in the mouth. It's not so much that they own the thing, I don't care, but seeing the way the majority of them drive around here, their driving is hardly mpg friendly anyways.

    My WReX is rather aerodynamic being the '06 hawkeye design. At highway speed (55-75) there is nil drag that I can feel affecting my momentum. But then, a giant Tahoe flies by doing 75+ considering I am doing 75. We all have seen the brick design of those. Can you imagine how much more drag that thing is fighting compared to a more aero, lower profiled vehicle? Let alone how much more fuel is being BURNED to fight that drag?

    But, I am not just gonna pick on the SUV and minivan owners. Considering some clown in a '04 STI was speeding through traffic today on the highway on my way to work. I could see him for about 6 miles shucking and jiving through traffic.... and in the end when he finally caught me, it looked to be all just to catch up to give me a wave. C'mon man. It seriously ain't worth all that.

    I tell ya, if mother nature doesn't kill us all off, driving will.

  8. #8
    Member Since
    May 2006
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZEUS View Post
    In general, I think people are dumb no matter what they drive
    I agree. I should have commented earlier, that I think driving is the one thing that people are the most hypocritical about. I know I am. I grumble and spew obscenities when people turn without their signal, and then sometimes I catch myself doing it. The same goes for lots of other driving "errors" if you will. Everyone does it from time to time, the real problem is people who intentionally avoid doing the right thing. And there are loads of drivers like this.

    Quote Originally Posted by ZEUS View Post
    The VX though, how can that really have a stereotype if nobody has ever seen one?
    Good point.


  9. #9
    Member Since
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    2001 Ebony S/C #1304
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZEUS View Post
    The VX though, how can that really have a stereotype if nobody has ever seen one?
    Heh, ya well, that kind of IS my point, but I do see where you are coming from I think that puts us at that disadvantage though. When driving something that stands out, no matter what you do, no matter how small of an imperfection or mistake in some driving skill, people see it, because they are looking at this "out of the ordinary" vehicle, heh. Maybe, if anything, we are just cursed at as being "another compensator in an SUV", heh. I mean, it still comes down to "who the hell cares what people think about me and/or my driving". I htink the only reason I brought this up in the first place is because, perhaps I started to realize that, maybe I *DO* care what they think of me now, heh. Maybe I just need therapy.

    I am not debating that everyone isn't guilty of some a55hattery in nearly any vehicle you put them in. I mean, c'mon, some clown in a rusted out, primered 90'ish Stang was trying to egg me on in my WReX last night.... seriously, can you even bother, especially when you are horrified by that vehicular sight? Besides, I show my balls at autoX.... he can be a man and do the same, but I imagine those kinds of folks are afraid to show their balls to people who aren't afraid to put it all on the line in front of other like-minded folks.

    The fact is, flashy cars get your attention, and when they have it, you see everything they do. I watched a 1st Gen Viper hop the back tire over a curb on a turn a few days ago. Wouldn't seen his lack of turning skill in that car had I not been staring at that red beauty, hehehe.

    I think it's moot though. Not like it can be changed ya know.

  10. #10
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    You know Gary, I think in your situation it must be a little different. Your VX is obviously more "street" whereas mine is definitely more "off road". Our VXes get a lot of attention, absolutely, but I think that out here, the people turning there heads and asking me questions are fellow off road enthusiasts. I don't think my VX puts off any sort of "street racer" vibe. However, in your case, being in a much bigger city out East, and having a more street looking VX, you probably get the street racer label slapped on a lot more often. I also think that maybe your mind set leans toward that also, being that your other whip is a Wrex. I mean, Reno is like the Super Duty capital of the world and I really don't think the average "normal" driver would look at my VX and call it an overbearing, gas guzzling SUV. I mean, maybe they do, I dunno, but to me it seems like the only people who notice me on the road are people who think the VX looks really cool, or really ugly. Anyway, just a thought.


    PS - A couple weeks ago I had one of my favorite comments made. I was getting my mail and there were these two kids on bicycles (maybe like 13 or 14 years old) and as I was getting back in my VX one of the kids yelled over, "Hey, we love your car, it looks like the Batmobile!". The new Batmobile Tumbler is pretty sweet, so that was one of the coolest comments yet, especially coming from kids...

  11. #11
    Member Since
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    Former 00' Kaiser #0804, 98 White 4Runner SR5
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    wow...this is really amazing for me to read all of this...

    out here in colorado....

    1st, the VX isnt even that big of a deal....people look at me like, only 31's???

    and then i try to get them a taste of PV and that doesnt even fade em when the chevy 3500 diesel flys by full throttle with a 6inch exhaust....

    most of the SUV's and trucks around here seem to have a minimum of 6 inches of lift with at least 35 inch tires.... makes me look tiny...i dont even get noticed around all those huge trucks...

    secondly, i drive my integra, and i admit that i drive a little on the fast side, but i never cut people off and i will never tail gate either....granted if theres a 3 lane highway and theres only 2 cars to be seen within 10 miles im usually doing at least 95-100....

    my biggest pet peeve is the thing of when a lane is ending and some a55hat thinks that he is specail in some way and he gets to pass everyone...

    my solution??

    CB radio with PA output.....then i went and bought a marine grade PA and put it in my bumper.....

    usually i scare them enough to make sure they dont try again...

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by pbkid View Post
    out here in colorado....

    1st, the VX isnt even that big of a deal....people look at me like, only 31's???

    and then i try to get them a taste of PV and that doesnt even fade em when the chevy 3500 diesel flys by full throttle with a 6inch exhaust....

    most of the SUV's and trucks around here seem to have a minimum of 6 inches of lift with at least 35 inch tires.... makes me look tiny...i dont even get noticed around all those huge trucks...
    That's exactly how it is here in Reno, Super Duty city. The VX is just "a little guy".


  13. #13
    Member Since
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    Former 00' Kaiser #0804, 98 White 4Runner SR5
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    ya i get really jealous of everyone else here saying how much attention and looks they get in the VX...

  14. #14
    Member Since
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    My least favorite stereotype is the "old geezer in a Buick" (I mean older than ME)
    There's a surplus population of these old dudes around here, I'm guessing mostly retired farmers that are more familiar with driving machinery that tops out around 25 mph, so they corner like their car is gonna roll if they exceed 7-8 mph. And the strange thing is, it's 90-95% Buicks...

    Must be some correlation between the rising waistband of their pants, coinsiding with the perception of speed, that makes them feel that they're going faster than they really are...

    Oh, and don't get me started on the morons that stop at the end of the on ramp,(there are no signal lights here) to take a little "look see" to check for oncoming traffic...


    There, I feel a little better now...

  15. #15
    Member Since
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    Yea if I see a Buick,I get around it as fast as possible.Nearly always old people. "wouldn't you really rather have a Buick" "It's not your fathers Oldsmobile"
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