Soldering some chips and other components to a small proto-board is actually EASIER than doing stuff like harness work. It look more difficult but really it's not.
If you don't mind spending a little more you can buy whats called a "bread-board" which will let you build a prototype of your circuit by just plugging in the parts. NO SOLDERING REQUIRED
it's as easy as building stuff with legos.
Electronics are easy once you understand the basics. If you simply learn to read a circuit diagram you can build just about anything, you don't even need to understand the math behind it or why it works... All the diagram tells you is what parts are used and how they all connect together.
a 555 timer circuit is quite simple and if you're even slightly interested in learning to build circuits or other little electronic projects then buying yourself a bread board a pack of resistor, a pac of capacitors, a pack of LEDs and a couple of 555 timers you'll have a lot of fun and realize just how easy this stuff is.
I didn't even get into electronics until I was in college and I had a friend who was an EE, I had him explain what the different symbols were in circuit diagrams and it was a total eureka moment. spending $15 on a bread board and some pre-cut wire I stared building all kinds of stuff..
That site I linked up top is awesome for beginners...
check out this page for a quick list of basic components...
you can also go here:
to see a comparison of what the symbols look like compared to the real life components (in most cases they're very similar)
after looking at that, take a look at the diagram I posted again... it's really very simple.
I'm happy to help answer questions on this stuff. Knowing how to read circuit diagrams will open up a world of possibilities for modifying your car.