Yeah it has been great being here in Waco celebrating my Dad's 59th B-day, but us kids (4 of us) went to the mall to shop this afternoon, and some lady hit my RX-8, even though I parked 5 spots away from the nearest car, she somehow managed to back into the car, hit my back door, back quarter panel, and I didn't notice at first because it was on the passenger's side and she had already left the parking lot not leaving any info, until I drove away from the lot and got to the 1st stop light and as I accelerated the rear fender dug into the tire and completely ruined my 2 week old Goodyear Eagle F1 ($300) tire, so at that point I knew something was wrong, stopped and saw what had happened, got upset, went back to the parking spot, no one was around at all of course she didn't stick around or leave a note, called security, called cops, no one seemed too care, or want to help at all, I went inside to see if anyone left their info inside the Dillards we parked in front of, nope. While I was inside the Dillards a good 30-45mins (at least) after the incident (I think because I obviously wasn't around when it happened), my sister called and said the lady that hit my car had driven back, so luckily I got her info, but I am stuck in Waco, with no means to get back to Houston, and who knows how long it will take to fix, I will probably miss coaching and working out on Monday at the least. The rear door, quarter panel, and tire are completely smoked, rear suicide door will not budge. Oh well, stuff happens, it could always be worse. You should've seen her try to back up and leave after she finally came back to fess up, she had no sense of space or direction at all. I just wanted to vent, sorry.