I've been out of touch for awhile But 0177 and I are doing OK. It's been sitting on stands, all covered up, in a climate controlled garage since June. It's on a battery tender, and I'll go thru all proper restart steps when I get to it. I'd just treated the cladding with a great product from Germany (refinish-restorer it's called) Really a superior product. A penetrating liquid that ends up as a "hard shell" finish said to last about a year. Not a "Back to Black" thing at all, it's much longer lasting. I learned about it from some GM nuts who were using it on Avalanches and the like. Sadly 0177 went into storage right after I put it on, so it's never even been wet....but it sure looks good. I've been going thru some changes, that I'm not going to bore you all with, and let's leave it at...."I,did not make it to Le Mans this year." I haven't even turned a wheel in anger, myself, this season....perhaps '09 will be sunnier...for all of us. It's good to see all the old names still here, but with a million unread posts, I'll just pick up the story from here. (feels like I just rolled into my old hometown for the first time in decades) Hello Y'all!!!!