Yep... Now the other side needs some CV boots. Must have a small tear because there isn't a ton of grease all over the inside of my wheel well...

But The side I already did does have a bunch of grease all over!!

It appears as though I didn't get the clamp on tight enough and it's leaking from the outside of the boot (toward the tire) [it's the passenger side lower boot].

I think I'll be able to take care of that one without a full dismantle. Just have to brake clean it really good, regrease it {Recomendations on Grease??} Then put it back together with a new clamp {Where can I get just a clamp/Band??}

Have we come to a consensus on what Boots are best With the white stuff coming any day I'm not sure when I'll be able to get to the boots, what is recommended to prevent any major damage? I drive about 3 miles at a time. And figure I'll be driving maybe 25 miles a week.

garbage bags? Duct tape? Pray?