Quote Originally Posted by nfpgasmask View Post
Is it simply the fact that you can build your own levels that makes it fun? Or is it more the community aspect? And as for the game play, is there a goal? I mean, so your on this level that someone made, how do you "pass" the level? Is there like stuff you have to find or bosses to kill or obstacles to conquer? I just don't get it. I mean, obviously, it is simply what it is, and its fun from what I understand (i just need to play it) but from everything I have seen I am just at a complete loss as to what makes this game so appealing...I'm not knocking it, just trying to guage it. I would just buy it, but I can't tell you how many times I have wasted $50 on a game that totally sucks.

No I think it is the sheer number of things to make your experience unique that makes this game such a value. Any aspect of the game on its own is great: levels, community, interactivity, but it is the way they are all tied together in one package that impresses me. As for gameplay, each level has its own goal, there are parts of levels called races, obviously you are trying to reach a certain destination as fast as possible, but the real heart of the gameplay is a side scrolling platformer with infinite possibilities. Most surfaces you can walk on have 3 different "depths" you can walk on, the foreground, middle ground, and background, and you can hop into whichever one you want by simply pushing up or down. You can change your sackboy's mood and facial expressions, you can create your own bosses in levels and select how they are supposed to be defeated, and even give your bosses different traits and behaviors. There are jetpacks that can allow for ultimate freedom in parts of levels, or there are vehicles that can be ridden and controlled. Once you complete a level it ranks all the players that were in that level and shows which one of you got the most points which are attained by collecting various objects and items and depends on how well you complete the races or any other part of the levels, and then it shows you your world ranking for that level, if it is a level in the story than you can move on or play the level again to try and master it, or if it was a level someone created you can rank their level on many different aspects.