Thanks...I laughed at the comments in the gallery feedback!

Here is some more opinions on snow worthiness:

I won't know the full capabilities of these tires until I get 1000-2000 miles on them and the granules surface; but, on plowed & snow covered roads they are great out of the box.

On bare dry roads they seem to grip fine and the noise level is remeniscent of low range while driving...I caught myself looking a couple of times to see if I was still in low range because the hum is quite similar. (I use low range alot to go up my driveway 'cause its somewhat steep.)

I found a road that wasn't plowed and had fields off to both sides so the wind had duned up the snow to about 1.5 feet deep and at slow speed..say 20-25 mph in low range they ate it up with no trouble at all.

I did hit a road that wasn't plowed..but had been heavily traveled and had about 10" of snow with ruts...I did get squirrely here and had to get out of the gas in TOD. Pulled over and put it in low lock and at about 35mph it seemed pretty stable. Any faster and the back end would kick out a bit.
I attribute this to the fact its a bigger tire than normal for snow use and that there is no siping in the tire for snow use...

On a big positive note...I had a doe run out in front of me at about 45-50mph and had to slam on the brakes and wasn't expecting them to stop so good...there was alot of doubt in my mind at the when they break in they will only be better!!!