FINALLY. Yes, I spent all of Friday night capturing VX footage from this past May. And I spent all last night going through the footage to compile 5 video highlights from Tuesday. It almost brought a tear to my eye.

A few notes:

1) You will notice, I made a stupid, tired mistake with my titles on all but the last video, spelling VehiCROSS like VEHI-Cross instead of Vehi-CROSS. Oh well, I was tired and didn't catch until I was pretty much done and I couldn’t go back and re-do it all. I don't know how I did that. I have probably typed the word "VehiCROSS" about 65 million times, and somehow I effed it up on the vids...

2) For those of you who were there, this won't matter, cause you know EXACTLY what it's like, but for those of you who were not there, take a few moments from each clip to look not at the VXes, but at the amazing backdrop that we are so privileged to have had the opportunity to wheel in. Moab is a true outdoor paradise.

3) All the video was shot through a cheap fish-eye adapter I put on my video camera, which was mounted to my roof rack. I noticed that this has an advantage and a disadvantage. The advantage being that you can see much, much more, including all the VXes in front of me and the killer landscape. The disadvantage is that the fish-eye somehow seems to have flattened the terrain, making some of the more fun obstacles not look like much at all.

4) I hate YouTube. These videos look so much better uncompressed. I need to figure out how to make a DVD of all this that I can share. Ho-Hum, another project I have little time for....

5) Moab rocks. If you have never been, do whatever you can to go. I am already starting to feel sad that I probably won't be making it in 2009. It's so much more than a VX event, it's really just a big party amongst some really quality friends, in a what is probably the best venue for offroading in the country.

Now, onto the vids:

1) "Don't Stop Keep It Rollin'"

2) "Should I Just Pull It Over?" - my personal favorite...still laughing...

3) "I Feel The Need For Speed" - Hauling tail through the loose sand is such a blast!

4) "Standard Operating Procedures"

5) "Misc Trail Footage"

Now, onto the Hell's Revenge footage...
