I have an ATT aircard with service billed @$60 per month... for 5 GB's per month usage allowed before metered billing kicks in... I RARELY use more than half to three-quarters of the 5GB's, and that's with my kids there almost every weekend sharing my connection, (I use a wireless router and have it set up for up to 5 computers to be on the same aircard connection). My neighbor even gets on my network several times a week to surf the net. And still my usage is under the 5GB's limit... so I don't think the 20-150GB limit they are "test" imposing in Reno is going to hurt anyone... I play online games(sporadically, now and then, but not with any regularity)... surf all day... I am connected on the aircard 24/7... I even did an average estimation on what I would use if I played an online game 6 hours a day 5 out of 7 days a week and even depending on the game, (some have a bigger bandwidth usage than others), I would not go over the 5GB limit per month... 20 GB is GENEROUS, IMHO. BTW the aircard has a program that is included that show actual realtime usage as you are connected.