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Thread: The end of the Internet as we know it...

  1. #1
    Member Since
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    The end of the Internet as we know it...

    ...if this happens on any large scale, holy carp....

    This will be the end of the Internet as we know it, as far as I'm concerned. On one hand, this is absolutely brutal and devastating. On the other hand, it may just force a shift back in the other direction, that is, TOWARDS REALITY.

    Why Reno?


  2. #2
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    But maybe there is an off-chance this will make internet faster and cheaper?? Maybe???

  3. #3
    Member Since
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    how do they handle spam

    Lords knows 90% of whta I get is spam that their filters cant block or trace and then you get hit double or more when your own system then sends it out to people in your address book

  4. #4
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    Comcast has a 250gb cap on the service I have here. I’m pretty carful about watching my usage. I started downloads most of the shows I like to watch from usernet about 5 years ago. I really don’t miss my old satellite bill. The only time I ever see a commercial is when I go to a friend’s house.
    Cars designed by spreadsheets make sense. Cars designed by engineers make history.

  5. #5
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    Spam not going to even come close to hitting that cap.

    Quote Originally Posted by circmand View Post
    Lords knows 90% of whta I get is spam that their filters cant block or trace and then you get hit double or more when your own system then sends it out to people in your address book

  6. #6
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    Its just the concept that scares me really. The bottom line is, if AT&T charges by the MB and Charter doesn't, people will go with Charter. So, until all ISPs band together and start doing the same thing, it ain't gonna happen. But, imo, eventually, it WILL happen. And that will suck.


  7. #7
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    "Its just the concept that scares me really."

    Maybe because ... you have 4200 posts to this forum alone???

    Put a smiley after you say that Bub.

  8. #8
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    I have an ATT aircard with service billed @$60 per month... for 5 GB's per month usage allowed before metered billing kicks in... I RARELY use more than half to three-quarters of the 5GB's, and that's with my kids there almost every weekend sharing my connection, (I use a wireless router and have it set up for up to 5 computers to be on the same aircard connection). My neighbor even gets on my network several times a week to surf the net. And still my usage is under the 5GB's limit... so I don't think the 20-150GB limit they are "test" imposing in Reno is going to hurt anyone... I play online games(sporadically, now and then, but not with any regularity)... surf all day... I am connected on the aircard 24/7... I even did an average estimation on what I would use if I played an online game 6 hours a day 5 out of 7 days a week and even depending on the game, (some have a bigger bandwidth usage than others), I would not go over the 5GB limit per month... 20 GB is GENEROUS, IMHO. BTW the aircard has a program that is included that show actual realtime usage as you are connected.
    We sit together, my VX and I, until only the VX remains.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by tom4bren View Post
    "Its just the concept that scares me really."

    Maybe because ... you have 4200 posts to this forum alone???
    Well yeah. This forum, and the amount of time spent on it would basically come to a screeching halt, not to mention dozens of other things I regularly do online.

    The other thing, is imagine if companies start getting charged overages for casual Internet use. Companies will be forced to crack down on casual employee Internet surfing. Which for me means, I'll be reading a lot of books. Which isn't really a bad thing. Maybe if there is a bigger price to pay when it comes to downloading and surfing and watching online movies (read porn) it will push a lot of people back to reality. Which is definitely a good thing.


  10. #10
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    As soon as fiber finely makes the main steam market that will be the end of at&t Qwest and Comcast. There’s a fiber service here called Utopia that’s not in my aria yet but as soon as it is I’m getting it. It’s about 10 times faster then cable. It will basically turn the web in to a giant TiVo.

  11. #11
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    This is the future that phone and cable company’s are fighting with every thing they got.

  12. #12
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    Another thing... CNBC just aired an interview with an FCC exec that stated that the FCC just finshed auctioning off rights to a new signal range but the biggest requirement is thae winner HAS to take, I think, 25% of the range and make it FREE internet... available NATIONWIDE... so all you'd need to do is buy an aircard outright and you would be able to get on the internet frrom all four corners of the USA... the requirement says it has to be one-step-back tech... so in other words... it won't be 3G connect but instead 2G connect... that would allow charging a premium for the most current or cutting edge tech... AT&T is screaming HOLY murder about this... (wonder why?). The auction was just finished on Dec. 7th I think... secret, I think as to who won it... and granted this network won't be up and functional for about 5 years and not even fully operational for about 10 years.... but just think... driving down the road to Moab, for ZUZU.... and your navigator on the internet anywhere in the country looking for a great place to eat!!! lqtm!!!

    BTW... I can do this now with my nationwide aircard plan,(except in the most remotest of remote areas...

  13. #13
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    Here's the link to the video article

    NOTE: in the interview note that Europe is at least a lightyear ahead of the US in this dept... what's up with that????



  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by kodiak View Post
    As soon as fiber finely makes the main steam market that will be the end of at&t Qwest and Comcast. There’s a fiber service here called Utopia that’s not in my aria yet but as soon as it is I’m getting it. It’s about 10 times faster then cable. It will basically turn the web in to a giant TiVo.

    Actually true fiber i.e. digital in, digital out, is actually closer to a thousand times faster than cable and even the fiber that is currently in use now, i.e. analog in converted to digital, digital out converted to analog
    This is what's so phoney about the digital TV changover.... if you need a box for the new digital signal... it is taking an digital signal and converting it DOWN to analog for your TV... same with the satillite and cable co's saying they have a digital signal/network.... 90% of our devices are analog (still).... so sure, the signal that comes in to your home or car is digital but a chip or other hardware in your device converts it down to analog to read... we won't get true digtal devices for another 2-3 years (most of our cell phones being the exception of course).

    NFP, sorry to maybe have hijacked your thread...

    Last edited by iamironman : 12/19/2008 at 12:28 PM

  15. #15
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    Utopia not quite to that point yet, some friends of mine did some real world tests and the average was 150,000kb/s compared to 11,000kb/s I was getting from cable. But ComCast has been doing some upgrades, it was 7,000kb/s a year ago. Your standard DSL is about 1,500kb/s.

    Quote Originally Posted by iamironman View Post
    Actually true fiber i.e. digital in, digital out, is actually closer to a thousand times faster than cable and even the fiber that is currently in use now, i.e. analog in converted to digital, digital out converted to analog
    This is what's so phoney about the digital TV changover.... if you need a box for the new digital signal... it is taking an digital signal and converting it DOWN to analog for your TV... same with the satillite and cable co's saying they have a digital signal/network.... 90% of our devices are analog (still).... so sure, the signal that comes in to your home or car is digital but a chip or other hardware in your device converts it down to analog to read... we won't get true digtal devices for another 2-3 years (most of our cell phones being the exception of course).

    NFP, sorry to maybe have hijacked your thread...

    Last edited by kodiak : 12/19/2008 at 01:03 PM

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