So, my VX is 83,000 miles old, and it burns oil like there is no tomorrow, leaks diff fluid around the front pumpkin seal, and leaks coolant from right under the engine.

I'm not leaking trans fluid, brake fluid or power steering fluid, but maybe if I try real hard I can get everything dripping, including wiper fluid. That would be awesome because I really like cleaning my garage floor and its fun to spend extra money on jugs of various fluids at Walmart every time I go.

At the moment I am not so much worried about the diff fluid seep, as its just a seep and I have been checking my fluid level up there pretty regularly.

But, yesterday I noticed a sizable puddle of green liquid on the floor. I wiped it up, only to find another small puddle this morning.

I think I have been leaking Goblin Blood since I posted this thread:

back in November of 2006. In reality it's probably been dripping for a lot longer than that. Here are some thoughts:

Back in 2006, Dumke said:

"Ya mine started leeking for no reason as well but I notice it only leaked when I parked in drive way at a slant but doesntw hen I am level. I looked didnt see where was comming from. Well didnt do through look really well just qucik check. Well couple days now its gone <shrug>even when I do park back in the drive way. I may replace hoses just in case to be on safe side. It is odd all of a sudden it started leeking and yeah I went up and down some hills myself but that was awhile back."

I DID park all day in my driveway which is on a slant. So, this tells me that maybe, the leak is constant, pools somewhere under the engine, but only slightly drips when I am level. When I am climbing hills or parked on an angle, the fluid dribbles down to a place where it then dumps on the floor once I am level again.

Also, Tone said:

"I just reviewed the new pics and if it is not under the intake manifold (no answer on the smell question...) then the o'rings on the front coolant manifold (where the top radiator and heater hose attach) is more suspect. It will typically only leak under pressure and bleed and stop once the engine is off. It took me a while to find it on mine and if vehicle is used for short trips only, it may not show the leak until a longer trip is taken."

So this leaves me thinking this must be the spot where I am leaking from since I cannot see any other obvious spot, there is no anti-freeze vaporization smell eminating from under the hood, and my oil still looks good.

Another thought is that if it is this o-rings Tone talks about, maybe the leak becomes more obvious in colder weather as things contract when they get cold, and thus would open up any small leaks I have.

Anyone else have this problem and get it fixed?
