Hi Everybody!

My wife, Shin and I would like to share with you our most amazing Christmas EVER!

We were given the gift of a beautiful daughter named Kara Noel Silver.
She was born on Christmas Day, 2:54PM.
She is 6 lbs 5 oz. and 19 ˝ inches long.

She was 39 weeks old when delivered, and due to some complications she needed to stay in the NICU for monitoring and treatment of some jaundice and a breathing issue.
After 3 days recovery, Shin was allowed to go home, where we both had one last full night of sleep. On the evening of 12/29, baby Kara was released to us with a clean bill-of-health!

You always hear that the day your first child is born is the happiest day of your life… well, I’d say that’s an understatement.
I’ve never been so happy! (or so tired… LOL)

Thank you to all who have supported us, prayed for us, and given advice, stories, and gifts.
Your friendship and love is so appreciated.

We hope you too have had a wonderful holiday, and have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Jim, Shin, and Kara…
The Silver Family!