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Thread: My Christmas present

  1. #1
    Member Since
    Dec 2005
    2001, Dragon Green, 1342
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    My Christmas present

    Well, this is what was delivered to me Christmas Eve. This is the right side, the left has about the same damage along with some heavy scratches in the hood, roof and left door.

    Greetings, Earthling. We come in peace... Never mind "Paris to Dakar", the VehiCROSS looks ready for the Martian desert.

  2. #2
    Member Since
    Jun 2005
    01 Dragon Green VX 1286
    Thanked: 0
    Damn J that blows.. nothing like having a years worth of snow in a month

  3. #3
    Member Since
    Feb 2007
    2000 Proton VX - 0776
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    Man, what a bummer. I had the exact same thing happen with my SeaDoos a few years back. Those tent garages are nice ... till that happens. Good luck with the repairs.


    Put a smiley after you say that Bub.

  4. #4
    Member Since
    Nov 2007
    '01 Ebony Black VX, 0801; '01 Kaiser Silver VX, 1002
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    Evil weather.......

    Damn, John, that's bad news. I hate to see this! Hopefully youir insurance will make it right, but it sucks all the same.


  5. #5
    Member Since
    Nov 2004
    1999 Ex-Ebony..Fully Line-X'd ..0189...THE "ORW".....matching Line-X'd Trailer made from a written off 2001 Ebony.
    Thanked: 14

    Absolutely the best $20 you'll spend per year on your VX.

    ~ ~ > OFF ROAD WHORE <~ ~

  6. #6
    Member Since
    Dec 2004
    '99 VX Astral Silver #0949
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    When I arrived at my Mom's, I nearly sunk to my knees in snow, just getting out of the VX.
    She hadn't been out of her house in weeks... the cupboards were bare!
    Anyway, I am extreamly sad your Dragon was hurt.
    I hope you find a master Doctor, to get your loved one back healthy again.

    I'm crying for you....
    Sometimes I Wonder......
    Why Is That Frizbee Getting Bigger?
    Then It Hits Me

  7. #7
    Member Since
    Jan 2003
    2001, IronMan White, #440
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    Man, I'm sorry to hear about your VX. Like 4x4 UFO said, hopefully insurance can get you back to where you were without too much of a hassle.
    "Through Great Sacrifice..... Great Rewards Will Be Achieved"

  8. #8
    Member Since
    Jun 2004
    99 Astral Silver VX #1872 + 99 Ironman WIP
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    Quote Originally Posted by 4X4 UFO View Post
    Damn, John, that's bad news. I hate to see this! Hopefully youir insurance will make it right, but it sucks all the same.

    Quote Originally Posted by JoFotoz View Post

    Quote Originally Posted by Bulldoggie View Post

    When I arrived at my Mom's, I nearly sunk to my knees in snow, just getting out of the VX.
    She hadn't been out of her house in weeks... the cupboards were bare!
    Anyway, I am extreamly sad your Dragon was hurt.
    I hope you find a master Doctor, to get your loved one back healthy again.

    I'm crying for you....
    Quote Originally Posted by tomdietrying View Post
    Man, I'm sorry to hear about your VX. Like 4x4 UFO said, hopefully insurance can get you back to where you were without too much of a hassle.
    Put all of the above together, & add "I'm sorry for your loss" ,& you have my sentiments on the subject...

    Hope you're able to make her straight again...

  9. #9
    Member Since
    May 2007
    2001 Ebony #1177
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    wow, that is a serious bummer :frownp: I sure hope those dents are pullable, sure glad to see it didn't pop any glass. That has got to be one of the worst things to come out and see (besides seeing nothing there at all).

  10. #10
    Member Since
    Dec 2005
    2001, Dragon Green, 1342
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    Got the guess-ta-mate today, 5200 bucks so should be okay for repairing and not totalling, but if they do, will keep it, fix it myself and buy another one, either foxfire or proton.

    Hasn't been a great holiday period. Have been suspended from work for 5 days without pay. We have been chained up with the snow and all on the buses and restricted to 25mph. They changed a snow route detour on 12/23/08 which was using the right hand lane of I-5 south, to U.S.101 and taking the first exit which was maybe 3/4 of a mile up 101. They wanted me to take a different route, get on I-5 North, U.S. 101 exit then cross 3 lanes of traffic at 25mph with traffic traveling up to 60 mph to take the same exit. I refused on the grounds of safety and was relieved, put on admin leave for a week then they handed down the sentence today. The Union is fighting it and it will go to arbitration.

    To error is human, but to forgive is not Intercity Transit policy, or put another way, the difference between Intercity Transit and the Boy Scouts is the boy scouts have adult supervision.
    Last edited by rowhard : 12/31/2008 at 07:16 PM Reason: error

  11. #11
    Member Since
    Jun 2004
    99 Astral Silver VX #1872 + 99 Ironman WIP
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    Quote Originally Posted by rowhard View Post
    Got the guess-ta-mate today, 5200 bucks so should be okay for repairing and not totalling, but if they do, will keep it, fix it myself and buy another one, either foxfire or proton.

    Hasn't been a great holiday period. Have been suspended from work for 5 days without pay. We have been chained up with the snow and all on the buses and restricted to 25mph. They changed a snow route detour on 12/23/08 which was using the right hand lane of I-5 south, to U.S.101 and taking the first exit which was maybe 3/4 of a mile up 101. They wanted me to take a different route, get on I-5 North, U.S. 101 exit then cross 3 lanes of traffic at 25mph with traffic traveling up to 60 mph to take the same exit. I refused on the grounds of safety and was relieved, put on admin leave for a week then they handed down the sentence today. The Union is fighting it and it will go to arbitration.

    To error is human, but to forgive is not Intercity Transit policy, or put another way, the difference between Intercity Transit and the Boy Scouts is the boy scouts have adult supervision.
    That's a hard rub...especially when doing the right thing is considered an "error"...

    It's an unfortunate truth, that common sense is getting less & less common...

    Chin up mate...hopefully you're getting the worst of 09 behind you & now comes the good stuff!

  12. #12
    Member Since
    Jun 2002
    Former owner of '01 Ebony #0739
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    Man... I hope that all the bad is behind you, and that the rest of '09 is good to you. I also hope that this run of VX damage is over, and that all our babies (and members too!) stay out of harm's way. Good luck getting the repairs taken care of.
    The only thing we have to fear is fear itself... and zombies.

    My VehiCROSS

  13. #13
    Member Since
    Dec 2008
    '01 Proton #0317
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    Extra bad when you've obviously taken precautions AGAINST such a thing - sorry for your "loss"! My friend in Carbondale IL had his '57 Chevy that he's owned since 1970 totally CRUSHED in October by a falling 150 year old oak tree that demolished his neighbor's garage where he has had it safely stored since he bought it...

    Mother Nature is a fickle mistress; here's to a proper repair!

  14. #14
    Member Since
    Aug 2008
    2001, PROTON YELLOW, VehiCROSS, 1451
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    John--- I'm so sorry to hear of your misfortune. It seems a lot of times, the holiday period can be filled with rotten bad luck, and can often put a black cloud ending to the previous years events. I hope they fix your beautiful Dragon back to its glory days condition, and your employment issues are resolved in short order.

    At my previous residence, I had used one of those tent garages for 14 years to store my Corvette, and then later to store my FJ-40. During our Washington State windstorms, I would always remove the vehicle if I saw high winds forcasted in the upcoming weather report. Oftentimes, I would park my FJ-40 with a tire on one of the cross-bar braces of the tent in order to prevent the tent garage from literally turning into a Wizard of Oz house and fly across the neighborhood. It surely would have happened on a few very windy occasions, had I not been proactive.

    Unfortunately, our Washington State Winter season of rath is not yet over and there may be more challenging days ahead with more severe blizzard weather. Thank you for standing up to your employer and protecting the safety of your bus riders. You should be commended. Riff Raff

  15. #15
    Member Since
    Apr 2007
    2001, Proton #1238
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    Crap!! Sorry man.
    Cars designed by spreadsheets make sense. Cars designed by engineers make history.

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