I found this index of files on the 4x4club.ru site. I just don’t know how to get to the actual downloads. My Russian is a little rusty.
I found this index of files on the 4x4club.ru site. I just don’t know how to get to the actual downloads. My Russian is a little rusty.
stupid question.... (VERY STUPID)
cant we just take out the driveshaft between the front end and the transfer case?
i ask because i might have done some serious damage yesterday while playing and my truck sits waiting for an alternator...
but i heard something metallic snap and my TOD check light was flashing...
i had to go home, and after two stops (to clean) the TOD went back to normal (confused the hell outta me)
but if i did damage something would taking that shaft out help at all
i am sure it will make it true 2wd but a hassle to put it back in
Proud owner of a RWD VX
"It looks like an angry snake-bee!" she said
I was looking for some info on the JDMs and stumbled upon this little treasure trove. Take a look.
Dude! Awesome stuff up there! I am dling the entire "articles" folder now.
Great find!!!
I had to change the link. It would asks for a password if I linked strait to the download directory.
Большой софт поделен на архивы по 100Мб(маленького теперь практически не бывает).
Некоторые программы лежат в виде ISO-образов компакт-дисков или DVD-дисков,
некоторые в виде образов программ эмуляторов(VrtualCD, Alcohol 120% и др.)
Что за программа, какой тип образа и прочую инфу смотрите в файлах README.TXT
в папках программ.
Папка DOWNLOAD доступна только для скачивания.
Папка UPLOAD доступна для закачки. Разрешено туда заливать только автософт,
Все остальное будет удаляться. Софт будет перемещаться в папку DOWNLOAD.
this is all i came up with when i tried the link...whats it about??
"Do Not Seek Praise. Seek Criticism."
"If You Can't Solve A Problem, It's Because You're Playing By The Rules."
"The Perosn Who Doesn't Make Mistakes Is Unlikely To Make Anything."
-Paul Arden
It’s a Russian FTP site. Click on the download link and you should start seeing some english.
The problem with that is we don't have the same hardware to go with the same software.
We have a different system mechanically so no matter what Controller you use it won't give you 2hi. Email or PM Mbeach, he has done extensive research on this and could explain it to you way better than I could
Good stuff on the FTP BTW...
But who does it belong too? are they here? looks like alot of stuff from Tones CD.
Ok, this is what I’ve found out so far. The VX TOD transfercase has the same part number as the Trooper “8-97181-309-0”. It’s also the same one used on the Aisne transmission. The TOD ECU on the other hand is different. The VX is “8-97213-467-0” and the Trooper is “8-97244-928-0”. I’m still look for good info on the JDMs. To be continued!
From what i can read you will need the shift on the fly front axle to stop the front turning - you seem to have a standard axle on the front - which i never noticed before
Isuzu Vehicross 3.2 V6 24 Valve