Well over the christmas break from work i decided to go to idaho and visit my parents new retirement home... a series of events made it the worst vacation i have had in my life!
1) lost my luggage at the air port
2) my family didnt want to drive to pick me up at salt lake city airport so i took a shuttle that i had to calla nd get a nother time to wait for my luggage the next day.
3) little did i know there were 2 shuttles at the pick up spot, and got on the one that stopped in the city just before the city where i wanted to go, bus driver never mentioned to me there were 2 busses when i got on.
4) a 3 hour ride turned out to be 5 hours because he left a passenger at a truck stop while he was inthe bathroom.
5)it was 16 deg. outside and the bus had no heater
6) lost my wallet on the bus because i was curled in a ball to stay warm and pinched my wallet out of my pocket.

soo that was the firt 2 days, so on the third day i decided to go sledding with my brother and his little boy.

7) i go sledding and we build a ramp that is wicked!! no one could hit it though because they would vear left or right just infront of it... i turned out to be the first and last one to hit it due to the fact i hit it so hard that upon impact with the ramp, i compressed my spine and damaged my nerves in my back and inflamed my disks, and now have to see a PT to realign my back which hurts like crap

so i head home to rest in texas again... wait i mean i head home to MOVE, i had to packa ll my crap up from a 3 story apartment and move... including a whole weight set!

well ifinally get down to my new town and am headed back up to go on a ski trip because i feel better int he back, i just get tired easily when i bend down, but all in all good enough to ski...

8) go to grand targhee in wyoming, beautiful drive, and start to ski, 4th time going down the mountain, in some 1.5 foot powder, cut to stop and wait for a friend before the steepest part, andmy ski gets logded into the snow while going full speed and i fly like 8 feet infront of the ski while feeling the most painful feeling in my knee... Torn LCL, now i cant walk worth crap!

9) go to a PT about my back and knee, the knee will have to heal on its own, and he starts to realign my back, he pooped a few vertibrae back into place while sending some painful explosions through my spine.

So now my back in in pain again, and hurts to bend until my muscles get their strength back,and i cant walk or rotate my left leg due to a torn LCL... i hate the snow

Hope you all had a good vacation
