So I have officially returned to the forums. After a long absence, for which I apologize profusely for, I'm back. Lots of people have been asking what happened to me, so here it is. I got tired of henpecking in posts with a mouse. For some reason, a long time ago, my keyboard decided to start doing the typing equivalent of speaking in tongues whenever I tried to type with it. I checked another backup keyboard I had and it did the same thing. I searched the internet, asked computer guru friends, but it just couldn't be fixed it seemed, so I resigned myself to my fate and used the only option available to me at the time which is the Windows "Accessability Options" handicapped keyboard. If you don't know what I'm talking about, thats the onscreen keyboard in every version of windows that allows you to "type" by clicking on each letter. Just humor me and try using it yourself for a week. I have been using it for close to a year now. It is hell. I finally got heckled into buying a PS2 type keyboard just to be able to cross that option off the list of failed fixes, and suprise, suprise, it has worked so far. Now when I plugged in that old backup keyboard I mentioned before, it worked OK for a couple days before it too decided to go poltergeist on me, so hopefully this one won't do that. I also did a complete teardown of my old home theater/computer system and replaced and reconfigured lots of equipment. The computer part kind of got pushed to the side in favor of everything being able to run right, so I have been waiting on some longer Ethernet cable which Bart so kindly provided me with, so be sure to thank him too(or yell at him ) for my return.