Just a little info. There is a new Management Plan in Moab and there have been some changes to our trails. Seems like we loose and never get anything back. A few years ago we lost Onion Creek and now among others we have lost the ability to drive over Gemini Bridges so those that were there, savor the memory. You can still walk across but no longer drive across. I am now glad I took everyone there.
So the plan is this. VX run (as usual I won’t tell until the day of) on Tuesday May 12th with dinner at the Adams place (Pack Creek Campground) after the run and is also the meeting place in the morning. We will leave the camp at 9:00 am for the run. I am not requesting any beer this year, as way too much was provided last. This will be a pot luck dinner as last year. Larry’s pineapple bratwurst, were to die for. Linda and I will provide hamburgers and buns.
Just a reminder that the unofficial Isuzu event starts on Wednesday May 12th and goes though Saturday. I have no idea where headquarters are for the Isuzu event are but I am sure those at Portal RV will be in the know as usual.