Several weeks ago, we had a discussion here about putting a '02 Axiom engine in a VX...
At the time I stated I have a '02 engine, but I was waiting for funding for the R&R... Well I'm almost there, I started messing around with penny stocks... got myself a Scottrade account and started with $500... built it up to $3800
, (I've made more, but have pulled out a couple k for some frivolities with my kids)
, now, and as soon as I make a daytrade run this week at a stock that is doing particularly well and cash out... I will be starting thia project dubbed: Project Ruthless
But, instead of having a shoe-string budget of $900 that I expected to have, I should have like 5k to work with... with this budget the sky is close to the limit and I'm gonna do a top-notch R&R
I will be taking pics (maybe video) and keeping y'all up-2-date.
I'll be keeping up with the pennys and if this works out all right I may buy another VX and R&R it also
Kinda ironic, a few months ago i was in bad financial shape, on the verge of collapse
(heh, just like the economy is now)... I always knew I had a knack for the stock picks... just never had the financials to try it out. Came into some cash in Dec. and turned my world for the best shape I've ever been in my life.