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Thread: Zombie Revolution, are you ready?

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  1. #1
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    I'm more of a libertarian (legalize everything that's fun, & tax it... )
    The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on me.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ascinder View Post
    I would have to say I agree as well, if whatever you do doesn't hurt me, then go for it, you wanna snort cocain and kill yourself, so be it, who am I to tell you not to, I feel the same way about helmets and seat belts, if you don't want to wear them, then feel free to thin out the herd and help natural selection along. With the exception of minors, but once your 18, you shouldn't need the state to tell you how to be safe, zombies don't need anyone to tell them how to eat brains...(this way its still on topic)

    I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
    Thomas Jefferson

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by nfntruth79 View Post
    I would have to say I agree as well, if whatever you do doesn't hurt me, then go for it, you wanna snort cocain and kill yourself, so be it, who am I to tell you not to, I feel the same way about helmets and seat belts, if you don't want to wear them, then feel free to thin out the herd and help natural selection along. With the exception of minors, but once your 18, you shouldn't need the state to tell you how to be safe, zombies don't need anyone to tell them how to eat brains...(this way its still on topic)
    yup, snorting coke doesnt hurt you....until the idiot decides to drive, then it does hurt you (or your family)...then all of a sudden you become against it. people dont think things would bother them until someone in their family/friends dies from someone being stupid. then everyone is up in arms. so maybe instead of letting all the idiots get what they want. lets keep them trying to get it...
    "Do Not Seek Praise. Seek Criticism."

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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by pbkid View Post
    yup, snorting coke doesnt hurt you....until the idiot decides to drive, then it does hurt you (or your family)...then all of a sudden you become against it. people dont think things would bother them until someone in their family/friends dies from someone being stupid. then everyone is up in arms. so maybe instead of letting all the idiots get what they want. lets keep them trying to get it...
    Really? Yet alcohol is legal? Which is far cheaper than coke ever would be, even if legalized.
    The real solution would be stiffer rules, I put a DUI up there with murder, make stiffer rules with no loop holes, which SC just put into law. The judge cannot reduce a DUI, and based on BAC, the minimum punishments ALL involve jail time and fines. I am ok with that. Prisoners have no rights...period. Put them to work, there are a lot of ****ty jobs being performed by non-tax paying illegal immigrants that Americans won't do because they pay less than unemployment/welfare. Give those jobs to prisoners, they are getting paid after all, free room and board, education, medical care and so on. They owe a DEBT to society, make them pay. Zombie food perhaps? (relates to subject of thread...again.)
    Hell, more marines died in fiscal year 2008 in motorcycle accidents, every single one on a crotch rocket, than died over in the Gulf in 2008. Its a fact, look it up, yet we still keep motorcycles legal for military members? So danger to others has nothing to do with things being illegal or not. It's government control, legalize prostitution, drugs, whatever and tax the piss out of it. I believe the term is "Sin tax".

    Back to subject-I am trying to figure out a good place to mount my fire extinguisher, I am thinking behind the drivers window in that little mini-window, but I am worried about heat from the sun, maybe a shroud of some type?
    Last edited by Marlin : 02/17/2009 at 07:13 PM Reason: Add on

  5. #5
    Member Since
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    i completely agree...anyone who is driving and drinking, deserves ANYTHING they get...i think they belong in jail, for a long long time, working their arse off for the good of the community, maybe it will teach them something....

    with the fire extinguisher, you could go ricer and put it on the a-pillar (i think thats what its called) next to the windshield, or built a tube for it to slide into somewhere, that would be kinda cool....similar to how jet-ski's have a tube in the back of them with fire extinguishers in them...

  6. #6
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    lol pb you are posting like a madman (or ldub) lately.. midterms week or somethin?

    i think the best place for the fire extinguisher is right on the floor behind the center console.. i had mine there for a long time with no problems.. easyily accessible too.. i now i have it in the lug wrench compartment because i have an amp where it used to be... problem with having it there is that if something does catch on fire... its going to take me a good 30 seconds+ to get to it

    im with you guys on drinking and driving.. theres no excuse for it.. a woman out here got busted driving the wrong way down a major highway not too long ago.. her BAC was close to 0.3.. and she had her infant in the backseat with her... she has no right to be allowed in a car or near alcohol again.. im all for stronger enforcement of alcohol related laws.. you endanger someone else while you are drinking? no more booze for you..

    zombies... phew, that was close, i almost submitted an unrelated post

  7. #7
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    [QUOTE=etlsport;148716]lol pb you are posting like a madman (or ldub) lately.. [QUOTE]

    Same same, no difference...(Dub = madman)
    Last edited by Ldub : 02/17/2012 at 05:36 AM

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ldub View Post
    But this is a quote I just can't get outta my head...

    Quote Originally Posted by pbkid View Post
    oh im aware that they like to bend the rules, as anyone does in any game...

    i know that if they removed the right to buy guys, im still gonna own the ones i why are you worried about them taking away that right???

    ya, i guess they could just raise the prices to the point where its impossible to keep proficient with them...however, you seem to be pretty hard would it be...(it sounds crazy but thats what they did way back when)???

    just saying, americans are very very strong willed..and they dont like things being taken away from them....we are greedy...if they piss us off enough them we are going to find a way to make things work in our favor...

    Last edited by nocturnalVX : 02/17/2009 at 11:00 PM
    The only thing we have to fear is fear itself... and zombies.

    My VehiCROSS

  9. #9
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    no, i found a way to access internet from now i found something to do when i get bored...

    also, i got a new computer with an 'a' button (my previous computers 'a' button was broken so it was a pain to type, so i only posted when i thought it was necessary)... so now i can try to catch up with dub on posts...i know i have a long way to go..

  10. #10
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    How the hell did I miss this thread??? I think when I first saw it I mistook it for another thread I already read. Anyway, I'll jump in now that things are nice and ripe.

    Funny to read this now, since I just started playing Left For Dead last night. OMG so much fun.

    As for preparedness, I feel Reno is an ideal town to live in. I can dispurse to the foothills and drive out into the "middle of nowhere" pretty quickly. You folks back east are going to have a hell of a time trying to "escape" when a crisis actually happens. That said, I'm sure I ain't the only one in Reno who is gonna head for the hills when the time comes.

    My VX is basically ready. I can have all my camping gear loaded in about 10 minutes. Ammo and weapons included. I suppose gas would be the biggest issue, and I would need to fill my cans up on the way out. During a crisis situation, it should be easy enough to syphon gas if you have to.

    The hardest part would be deciding what to do with my pets. I don't even want to think about that.

    As for my zombie stopping weapon of choice, it is this:

    Semi-auto 12guage, mag fed, perfect for fending off the hordes.


  11. #11
    Member Since
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    nice bart....

    gotta find some room for the pets...

    maybe you should have your gas tanks already full....

    the way i always see it, is if the roads were all blocked in a crisis at least i can drive around people....over almost anything

    i always think of the pictures from katrina where the roads just become parking least in colorado all the roads have like 20 foot dirt shoulders

  12. #12
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    OK, I just finished reading all the replies. In summary:

    1) We Americans who love our freedoms must NEVER take them for granted and we must fight to hold onto the freedoms we have and love EVERY DAY. Don't let that piece of paper fool you. The government CAN and WILL do anything if they feel they can get away with it, and I don't want my toys turning into a bunch of cool looking, expensive paper weights because I can't buy or afford ammo any longer. I've watched 1000 rounds of 7.62x39 go from $180 to $250 to OUT OF STOCK in the last 6 months.

    2) The theory of "legalizing it", whether it's weed, coke, guns or alcohol is all fine and dandy until someone gets hurt or killed. I honestly don't care if you don't wear your seatbelt. I don't care if you want to snort coke or smoke weed. But if something happens to a loved one while you are DUI, it's a different story, and that is the basis behind why most "fun things" are illegal or seriously regulated. I have ABSOLUTELY no intentions to go on a kill crazy rampage at my local mall, but someone out there does. And that is what completely SCREWS all the legal, responsible gun owners in this country. The same goes for drinking and driving and just about any other substance that alters the mind/body. There is always going to be someone who ruins it for everyone else. But IMO, I would rather live in a slightly dangerous FUN world, than a completely steril and utterly boring SAFE world.

    3) Here is where mine is mounted:

    4) I think Obama has potential, however I think he is inexperienced and slightly idealistic.

    5) And completely off topic just to round things out, the "reality show" fad needs to die. I can hardly even turn on the TV without wanting to . It's like every channel is either an infomercial or a reality show.


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