Quote Originally Posted by Ldub View Post
In my opinion, there should be SOME sort of testing/guide lines, before being allowed to bring MORE humans into the world.
I know this opinion will create a sympathetic $h#* storm for being too extreme
x3 - Extreme times call for extreme measures. Why is it so hard for people to understand that the single, greatest thing they can do to help the future of life on this planet is to abstain from reproduction, or at least reproduce responsibly? I vote for none, but more than 2 children is downright selfish, ESPECIALLY when the parents are not competent, mentally stable and financially situated to care for the kid(s) properly. That psychopathic woman in California who had the quintuplets (and 6 previous children mind you) DOESN'T EVEN HAVE A JOB OR A HOME OF HER OWN. It sickens me.

LINK ---> http://www.zpg.org/index.php?option=...=396&Itemid=18

Quote Originally Posted by Ldub View Post
I'll answer to: carpenter, cabinet maker, "wood crafter", wood butcher, tree murderer, stick twiddler, etc.
Don't forget "casket maker".
