Quote Originally Posted by nfntruth79 View Post
Are you really so ignorant as to think that anything that is happening today was something that was started yesterday or in the last 8 years? It takes years and years, and you can thank the Clinton administration for our current housing crisis. They had the great idea that everyone should be allowed to have a nice house, whether you can afford it or not, enter ARMs at the government's request. I am glad that Obama approved the 8 billion dollar grant to install a train to Disney...we definitely needed that and I am sure it will save the economy 10 years from now when California finishes their environmental impact studies to allow it's construction.
I was going through the posts, I never found one that said Mccain would fix everything...
Anyway, our economy is crashing due to the fact that the average american (as defined by the popular vote) is a lazy POS, hence the fact that unions are ruining our economy and demanding ridiculous benefits for uneducated, unskilled workers, if you don't like your job or its benefits, quit. The best way to sum it up:
It seems that the "average american" thinks that they deserve a nice house, a big truck, and a big backyard just for being American.
I discovered when I was in Asia that the Japanese think that they deserve the right to EARN all those things, weird how they make a better vehicle than the American automotive industry. You mean you have to work hard to succeed?
I have sacrificed years away from my family, and have certainly worked more hours in the last 12 years than most will work in their entire life and at less than minimum wage. I have deployed to the Gulf twice, and it makes me sick to see what is going to happen to my country. You can't say anything without some "reverend" claiming that you are racist, and by the way, being racist is not illegal, and you have to pussyfoot around or God forbid that you might offend someone by saying a prayer or showing Jesus in public. Well guess what, the constitution says nothing about not being offended or having to please anyone but the majority. Minority does NOT rule.
As for looking into the mirror and and seeing my dumb face, you are probably right, because by being in the military, I am defending the rights of idiots that think that socialism is the way to go, and that does make me feel dumb.
By the way, you're welcome for doing my part to keep this the greatest country in the world and allowing you to have the ability to have an opinion, let's hope that the sane and the brave will keep it that way and that my children grow up with the character and fortitude to stand up for what is right and keep it that way.