Man, being stuck smack in the middle is soooo much better than being a die-hard Republican or a die-hard liberal.

You see, when you pick sides like so many people do, you really limit yourself and it quite honestly screams ignorance. IMO, there is nothing that is one sided. And that is the problem with politics. Everything is always so black & white, and this world is most certainly gray.

I absolutely have my opinions about the dems and repubs, and I would be more than willing to proclaim what I agree with and what I don't agree with on both sides, but it's really pointless.

Quote Originally Posted by HOT_WASABI_JUNKIE View Post
Just like the Iraq war, which was pointless by the way, happened because Bush had to defend his dumb dad's honor....(You don't think Iraq was personal? Then why did Bush request to have Saddam's sidearm for the oval office?) You service over there was to inflate Bush's balls and nothing else...You might as well have been blowing them yourself.
Wasabi, I have to agree here. The Bush Administration was absolutely RECKLESS regarding the Iraq war. Anyone who denies that from either side is fooling themselves.

Quote Originally Posted by HOT_WASABI_JUNKIE View Post
The reason most americans are in homes they can't afford is because of loans they were told they could afford or refinance in a few years....Sorry most people are not that stupid.
Man, I have to completely disagree here. First off, most people ARE that stupid, ESPECIALLY those people who failed to read the fine print, and failed to see the OBVIOUS fact that you cannot own a $400,000 home with no down payment on a salary of $25,000 a year. Those people GOT TAKEN TO THE CLEANERS and it was because of their OWN STUPIDITY. Should those type of loans even be allowed? Probably not, but hey, smoking cigarettes is still legal and their are still LOADS of people out there still smoking. So go firgure. (no offense smokers)

Quote Originally Posted by nfntruth79 View Post
The best way to sum it up:
It seems that the "average american" thinks that they deserve a nice house, a big truck, and a big backyard just for being American.
NFN, you are absolutely right. The sense of entitlement in this country is completely sickening. My wife and I spent our 20s working REALLY HARD to get to where we are now. That includes only having 1 car, living in crappy apartments, working looooong hours, commuting on dirty subways and buses, NEVER having cable TV or Blackberries or ANY of those frivolous things the average American thinks is "standard". Doing our laundry at the local laundromat, no central a/c, crappy landlords and neighbors, etc. Now, I am not complaining. No sir. All I am saying is that we sacrificed and worked for EVERY SINGLE THING we have today. Neither of is got hand outs from our parents. We took out loans to go to school, and afterwards dove in head first into the corporate working world, built our careers, made some mistakes along the way, learned from them, and carried on. In December my wife bought herself a Porsche, and you know what, SHE COMPLETELY DESERVES IT for working her hot Italian arse off for 10+ years. Anyway, what I am getting at, is that is seems like everybody (and this includes several members of my own family, and some of my friends) think the world should be handing them a paycheck by default, and they should have everything delivered on a silver platter. And when things don't go their way, they whine and whine and whine, and it makes me ILL. How did this country get this way? What happened to us all? What ever happened to an honest day's work? I think people watch WAY too much TV. It's like 90% of the women out their think they should be Paris Hilton and 90% of the men out their think their lives should be like Rob & Big. Pathetic.

For the love of all that's holy, let's get back to zombies and VehiCROSSes. These conversations are so pointless. I really need to just leave these threads alone. NO ONE is going to sway anyone else's opinion, so why are we all so compelled to spew our thoughts? Uggg.
