Today marks the 1 year anniversary of owning my Dragon. I had it shipped from New Jersey to California, but the last leg was to be interrupted by a snow storm and delay delivery by a few days. So being the patient man I am, I drove a few hundred miled to Reno to pick it up and drive the Dragon home in the snow storm. What better way to get to know the Dragon?

I posted the following a few weeks ago in response to Cyronman's thread about the possibility of selling his VX, and for some reason, it just seemed appropriate to repost it here today:

Thanks for the nod, Cy!
I can relate. I am close to clocking 10K on the Dragon in the year that I have owned it.
I almost cringe when I think about the milage, but I choose to think about it this way....
I did not (and have a suspicion it's the same with you) buy my VX as an investment. I bought it because I thought it was one of the most unique vehicles ever produced!
I had wanted one since I saw a clip on Car & Driver, but was not in a position to get one until last year. It was worth the purcahse price alone just to sit in my Dragon for the first time!
When I went to pick up the Dragon in Reno last February, TWO Vx's showed up @ the shipping transfer point with little more than 20 minutes notice and a phone call from Bart! Clearly a very special group of people, and that has been proven true time and again on every occasion I have had the pleasure to meet someone here or when I had the great fortune to actually host a Mammoth meet/camp/off road adventure!!
Sure it's resale value goes down every day that it must sit ungaraged in the snow or when I drive 700+ miles round trip to San Diego to visit friends and family. But in the end, it's priceless that that is MY Dragon parked in the snow! And what better way to make that long drive than in the VX, instead of being in yet another homoginized "for the masses" vehicle. Not to metion getting stopped frequently and asked about the Dragon, as well as having so many cars going by with the WTF looks. Couple that with the great friends I have made here on this forum, and it comes down to this:
I don't care if I ever see a return on this purchase. With everything I have experienced in the short time I have owned my Dragon, it was one of the best buys of my life!

Thanks again to Bart, Clint and Beau for making me immediately feel like one of the family, as well as all the others I have met along the way!
This forum rules!