Well I finally made it back to Phoenix to have that pesky gallbladder taken out with a blow up doll and a camera.. I figured it would be pretty easy... no real trauma or complications... That was Monday the 16th, was home by noonish.. and following all my nursey guidlines. I felt pretty good.

tuesday morning went out with My bro and had breakfast.. cakes and eggs.. a littile heavy?.. maybe but not suicidal, well by 4 pm.. my step started to drag so I went to bed to see if it would kick.. no such luck,

9pm the only relief I would feel was after regurgitating so for the next 7 hours I felt relief on the hour every hour.. reliving my meals for the past 2 days, on at a time,

I went to the emergency room at 4 am..thanks to my lovely wife.

The triage nurse was skeptical of my here say history till I presented evidence for her in technicolor. she finished the paperwork fast after that and of the the room I went.

for the next few hours I was poked and prodded for blood and other unspeakable samples and I was told my kidneys and liver were either shutting down or wacked out. (DUH) they finally shoved an NG tube up my nose to empty my stomach and said drink this chalky stuff so we can get a contrast when we xray you.

I think I drank a quater of what they wanted me to drink and called it good.

well after the 2 x-rays... the second being a 60 minute one that got canceled with 7 minutes to I was headed to ICU so I could be prepped for a resection of a quadrant that isint working right. I had heard these terms on ER. but never when something had gone right..

so// now I sit in my room.. not eating.. not drinking.. no sounds in my tummy and am wondering.. will they have to do it again to hit pay dirt...


I just read of our beloved Tone's passing so I figured i would place this far away from that.. I too bought a vx after reading his little porshce slalom course whipping he put on the boxters...

be well and stay informed