No other color seems to generate so much "jealousy & envy" as Proton Yellow - wonder why?
I'll never forget the day I bought mine...
I was at the dealership in November 2001, looking at a used '99 Ironman, and mentioned to the salesman that "I like the Ironman, but what I REALLY WANT is a PROTON, but they are all gone!"
He replied, "We have one sitting on the showrom floor..."
The rest is history.
Last edited by Cobrajet : 04/01/2009 at 02:31 PM Reason: faulty keyboard
2001 Proton Yellow #1379
Something similar happened to me - someone had just bought the last Proton and I was about to order a Foxfire when I got a call - the Proton had been returned - the guy's wife just couldn't deal with the color - I could barely contain myself!
-- John
John Eaton
Original Owner
2001 Proton Yellow #580
Atlanta GA
"Metaphors be with you"
"NO NO NO ..SILVER IS THE BEST a bullet........wooooosh"
Yup - Astral's are 'one bullet Barney's'. One pass & they got nuthin left.
But soft, what light through yonder window breaks,
It is the East and Proton is the sun.
Arise fair Proton and kill the envious moon,
who is sick and pale with grief
that thou her maid art far more fair than she ...
Sorry Shakespere - Rekin we'll never see Romeo & Juliet the same again.
Put a smiley after you say that Bub.
2000 Proton, #0513, 98,700 mi.
Last edited by Travelin2 : 09/14/2009 at 09:45 PM