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Thread: People can be such... You know what I want to say!

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by pbkid View Post
    so your saying that its more important to have sports than to have people the ability to get back and forth to work and school...i know that as soon as i turned 16 i HAD to have a am i supposed to get to work?? mind you that i lived 35 miles away from my school.....45 minute drive EACH way (daily) plus going to work...

    ya, i wanna ride the bus and organize all of that.

    easy to take away others priviledges when it doesnt affect you...
    A big +1 there. I played soccer and worked a 20+ hour a week job on top of school and other extracurricular activities. No way that works without a car.

    Quote Originally Posted by circmand View Post
    2. Big temptation to skip classes and they are already the least intelligent generation we have ever put out at a highest per pupil cots.
    That's a pretty sweeping and insulting generalization don't you think? We used to skip school by walking down the street to the local strip mall - we actually found that driving your car there increased your chances of being seen leaving (our spaces were numbered so it was easy to see if you weren't there).

    And how do you substantiate the "least intelligent" remark? Are you basing that on drop-out rates or something? I can tell you for a fact that more people attend college than ever, and our high schools teach much more advanced math, science, and liberal arts classes than when our parents were in school. For example, my parents studied geometry and algebra in their senior years, while I was in the AP versions of calculus, biology, chemistry, and world history.

    So hopefully you meant that remark with respect to only driving, but even in that case it's pretty difficult to substantiate. I would think that the main contributors to the problem discussed in this thread are the fact that there are more 16-18 year old drivers (and drivers overall) on the road than in previous generations, as well as the fact that we have exceptionally deficient driver education and testing requirements in this country (especially with comparison to European nations). The point was well-made earlier in this thread that driver's education should also encompass parking, which would probably diminish the number of these kinds of incidents. And I think that another good indicator of driving "intelligence" over time is that insurance companies have always identified the 16-18 demographic as highest-risk, and many even issue discounts for driver's education courses. Given that insurance companies are all about the statistics and probabilities, those actions would seem to indicate that they view the problem as not due to some fundamental intelligence defect specific to this generation, but rather as a common problem of young drivers of any generation due to their inexperience and lack of education.

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Y33TREKker View Post
    Yes, I'd call the Camry incident a mistake. You are assuming that the person did it on purpose when there's no way you could know that. Purposefully and obliviously are two different things.

    I'm fairly certain that we aren't using the word perspective in the same ways.

    But by keying another persons' car just because they parked too close to you, YOU are taking the ME, ME, Me mentality even farther than you think the Camry driver did, so are there ANY winners in that situation? In my opinion, if you would have been there and keyed that car, both you AND the Camry driver would have essentially made the rest of US losers at that point.

    Again, see first comment.

    It has happened to me many times in the past, and as a matter of fact happened last week. Someone parked within inches of my passenger side with plenty of other spaces nearby they could have chosen. But, after looking over my passenger side to look for any damage and finding none, I grumbled under my breath for a few moments calling the other driver a few choice names, then considered myself lucky that no damage had occured. So aside from a little irritation, I called no harm no foul and drove off, and without keying the other guys' vehicle if you can believe that. Yeah, I know, even I marvel at my own levels of self control in the face of inconsiderate obliviousness sometimes.


    Incidentally, there was one time in the past when someone did open their door into my passenger fender at work. When I got to my car to leave that day, I saw how close the other car was and thought to look for possible damage. When I saw that the other driver had hit my fender causing paint damage, I left things how they were and called company security to make out an incident report. With security there, the owner was contacted and asked to come out to the parking lot. He initially denied causing the damage, but when the security officer made him open his door, it was obvious from where the contact point occured that it was his door that had caused the damage. With the security guard as a witness, the other driver had no choice but to give me his insurance info and the damage was taken care of from there.

    Now maybe that guy was a little more vigilant/considerate about his parking from then on and maybe not, but resorting to vandalism sure wouldn't have gotten my own car repaired at no cost to me that time. So, it HAS happened to me, and I STILL think keying another persons' car in a situation like that is just allowing yourself to escalate the matter way too far.
    You see the problem here is that you assumed the camry driver didn't purposely parked like that.
    But in the real world the evidence suggest that the camry driver parked the way he/she did because the driver wanted to have enough space to get in/outter the car with no problem & at the same time expressing his careless concern about how the driver parked next to him should get in/out.

    The camry driver had the white divider line right front of his/her face yet still didn't look back & check to see how bad the camry was positioned.

    If you park your car way close enough to the point that me or either my family can't get in without performing a circus show jumpimg from here to there to gain access I MEAN you'll get key because you proved me you care a S... about others so don't expect reciprocity;then next time you park like that you'll remember to fix that "mistake" by positioning your car the right way & keep that in perspective

    I do get your point about it & is accepted,but as how i say before: this is where idiots like that push you to edge sometimes

    PS:You can only understand how right the world is by looking at it the opposite way
    Dakar was just the begining.

  3. #63
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    not what I meant

    Quote Originally Posted by pbkid View Post
    so your saying that its more important to have sports than to have people the ability to get back and forth to work and school...i know that as soon as i turned 16 i HAD to have a am i supposed to get to work?? mind you that i lived 35 miles away from my school.....45 minute drive EACH way (daily) plus going to work...

    ya, i wanna ride the bus and organize all of that.

    easy to take away others priviledges when it doesnt affect you...

    I just do not htink tax payers should have to pay for student parking lots to be built. If you read more closely I also do not think they should pay for sports teams or any extra curricular activities. Tax payers should pay for schools, school teachers, and school books. Why do we pay millions for stadiums for HS sports but eliminate gym from the curriculum? Why de we need to pay more money per student now and still have falling down buildings old books and illiterate graduates.

  4. #64
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    Read what I wrote.

    Quote Originally Posted by vt_maverick View Post
    A big +1 there. I played soccer and worked a 20+ hour a week job on top of school and other extracurricular activities. No way that works without a car..
    You can have your car drive it all you want why should I pay for your parking?

    Quote Originally Posted by vt_maverick View Post
    That's a pretty sweeping and insulting generalization don't you think? We used to skip school by walking down the street to the local strip mall - we actually found that driving your car there increased your chances of being seen leaving (our spaces were numbered so it was easy to see if you weren't there). ..
    Nothing you can do about walk aways but drive aways could just say I did not drive that day it gives an extra way to do it. Someone who drives away could always walk as well but if you did not drive you cannot drive away.

    Quote Originally Posted by vt_maverick View Post
    And how do you substantiate the "least intelligent" remark? Are you basing that on drop-out rates or something? I can tell you for a fact that more people attend college than ever, and our high schools teach much more advanced math, science, and liberal arts classes than when our parents were in school. For example, my parents studied geometry and algebra in their senior years, while I was in the AP versions of calculus, biology, chemistry, and world history. ..
    I may have generalized too much here. I did not mean that all students were less intelligent. We are graduating students now that can do stuff that I never dreamed of in HS and I actually did quite well in advanced classes and College. What I meant was that there is a huge percentage of kids in High school now that are stuck in bad schools with bad teachers and the School teachers unions keep them stuck their with the bad teachers. I think our school taxes should go to better schools, better teachers (Nota all teachers are bad I do not want to go that road again) and not just the same bad teachers getting better pay.

    Do you realize when the teachers say they only get paid so much a year that they never say they are only working 9 months a year? If they call it a years pay they should work all year like everyone else or be upfront about the fact they get 3 months paid vacation every summer. Also we have bad teachers. We have all had one and if the union gets their way we keep the bad teachers and pay them more for being bad. Or they are saying we are not doing our best but pay us more and we will do better? Is this the person you want teaching the kids?

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gussie2000 View Post
    You see the problem here is that you assumed the camry driver didn't purposely parked like that.
    Actually, I didn't assume anything. Just because I said that you had assumed one thing doesn't automatically mean that I assumed the opposite.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gussie2000 View Post
    But in the real world the evidence suggest that the camry driver parked the way he/she did because the driver wanted to have enough space to get in/outter the car with no problem & at the same time expressing his careless concern about how the driver parked next to him should get in/out.
    I agree that is one possible explanation (*), but regardless of whether it's accurate or not, it was still a mistake (purposeful or not), and not one that would warrant you keying the persons' car. But that's just my opinion. You're free to do what you want of course, as long as you are willing to accept the possible consequences.

    (*) PS: Here's another possible explanation. The Camry driver got a call that a family member who worked near that parking garage had been involved in an accident/emergency, etc. and the Camry driver was rushing to the scene to be with that family member. Granted that's an extreme possibilty, but if it were you in that case rushing to the saide of one of your family members, would you be paying close attention to the lines on a parking spot in that situation? And say that were the case, on top of your family members' trouble, you then come back to your car to go home and find that someone has keyed your car because you parked too close to them? Perspective.

  6. #66
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    Don't wanna get in the middle of this arguement (even tho I kinda started it).

    But ...

    "You can have your car drive it all you want why should I pay for your parking?"

    Student parking passes cost $100 several years ago - don't know what they're going for now.

    Put a smiley after you say that Bub.

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knigh7s View Post
    I'm one of those guys, that have to park at the opposite side of the parking farthest from ANYONE... There would be 50+ open parking spots around me and when I return, there is always someone parked RIGHT NEXT to me...

    Well here, I was at the Fashion Show Mall parking, on the edge as close as I can get to the pillar so no one parking next to me will have to worry about hitting my VX... well, I come back and to my surprise!!! (btw, spot next to me was open when I parked)...

    Could you imagine what was going through my mind when I see this, I couldnt even get my Son in the car, Had to go through the Driver side and reach and stretch to buckle him into his car seat, mind you, i'm 6'6" tall @ 230lbs...

    Bleh, had to vent for a moment...

    Theres tonnes of room ! Even i could get in there and im a chubby fooker !!!
    Last edited by crotchrocket : 05/11/2009 at 07:41 AM
    Speed Thrills, Boredom Kills!!

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by tom4bren View Post
    Don't wanna get in the middle of this arguement (even tho I kinda started it).

    But ...

    "You can have your car drive it all you want why should I pay for your parking?"

    Student parking passes cost $100 several years ago - don't know what they're going for now.
    drexel is $372 per term (11 weeks) to park on a campus lot

  9. #69
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    not sure what Drexel is

    Quote Originally Posted by etlsport View Post
    drexel is $372 per term (11 weeks) to park on a campus lot
    Betwenn land permits and parking an average sized parking lot hold 100 cars can cost in the millions to build and then you have upkeep. In NYC a reserved parking space in a garage costs over $50,000

  10. #70
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    In NYC a reserved parking space in a garage costs over $50,000[/QUOTE]

    PS: Plus taxes my friend

  11. #71
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    "Student parking passes cost $100 several years ago - don't know what they're going for now."

    Clarification: I'm talking High School - in Stafford, VA (so real estate is not primo).

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by circmand View Post
    Betwenn land permits and parking an average sized parking lot hold 100 cars can cost in the millions to build and then you have upkeep. In NYC a reserved parking space in a garage costs over $50,000

    and a ferrari costs $350,000, but the chevy i drove in high school was $500... and i bet you wont find a public school in NYC with student parking

    im not arguing either way.. i had to drive to high school.. i lived 10 miles from the school, and did work study outside of school for two periods of the day. i had to drive to work in the morning, then had to drive to school from work... but i know a guy who saw the bus drive past his house and knew it was time to drive himself to school.... i was just giving tom a reference to what parking school parking costs
    Last edited by etlsport : 05/11/2009 at 08:54 AM

  13. #73
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    Hmmm, students driving to school within 10 miles??? I say get a damn bicycle and just leave a bit earlier from home in order to make the commute. I rode a bicycle to Elementary; then Junior High; then Senior High; and then to a 4-year University and each way was well over 10 miles. Kid's today are fat-n-lazy from their computer games; they need to excercise more, and get a bicycle which are much easier to park than a car and get way better gas mileage!!! In regards to school parking fees in NYC-- let me look at the school parking rate chart for a "Bicycle"............................oh, yeah; here it says "FREE"!!!
    Last edited by Riff Raff : 05/11/2009 at 03:25 PM

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riff Raff View Post
    Hmmm, students driving to school within 10 miles??? I say get a damn bicycle and just leave a bit earlier from home in order to make the commute. I rode a bicycle to Elementary; then Junior High; then Senior High; and then to a 4-year University and each way was well over 10 miles. Kid's today are fat-n-lazy from their computer games; they need to excercise more, and get a bicycle which are much easier to park than a car and get way better gas mileage!!! In regards to school parking fees in NYC-- let me look at the school parking rate chart for a "Bicycle"............................oh, yeah; here it says "FREE"!!!
    yep biking 15-25 miles a day plus either running or swimming in addition to working 30-40 hr weeks and going to 14 hours worth of class a week.. im a lazy bum alright

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by etlsport View Post
    yep biking 15-25 miles a day plus either running or swimming in addition to working 30-40 hr weeks and going to 14 hours worth of class a week.. im a lazy bum alright
    Come on, get it together Eric. Lazy :gring:

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