Quote Originally Posted by CrnCnn View Post
Faces I can deal with, it probly wouldve made the situation better because we both wouldve realized how silly it really was. The thing that made me so mad was that she was mad that I was mad that she hit and dented our vehicle and parked too close....

Another thing is when someone almost side swipes you while heading down the road on their cell. I have been in other situations that were similiar because someone got mad that I told them to hang up their phone, or stop texting and driving.

Sorry, I am protective over my stuff. Especially the VX and especially when my wife is in it. When you almost hit me because your stupid, I am gonna have something to say.
funny you mention that.. on my way to school today im on a 2 lane each direction road and see a car passing me on the left except she's 1/4 into my lane.. after veering into the shoulder to avoid getting hit i laid on the horn.. she flipped me off... sigh