This might sound silly, but maybe head over to the Avalanche owners group and see if any of them have some experience with this. They have cladding similar to ours and may have found a solution. I know someone found one of the more "aggresive" cladding re-treaters over there.,111.0.html
One of the guys had this to say:
To take a stain off - like a gasoline stain, I use soft scrub.
To make it shiny, or clean, I use WD 40
If the cladding is faded like mine is, WD 40 makes it look like new again for a couple of weeks to a month.
Another had this to say:
I just had this problem the other day. I was able to remove the "stain" by using a soft cotton cloth and some "Bug and Tar" remover. I had to go over it a couple of times but it seemed to remove the discoloration with no damage to the cladding. Hope this helps....
Best Regards,
I would be VERY careful with WD-40 on the cladding. Test it in an inconspicuous spot first (as they say).
Hopefully one of these works for you.
Last edited by MSHardeman : 06/16/2009 at 08:54 AM
"The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong, it usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair."
-Douglas Adams, Mostly Harmless