Quote Originally Posted by CrnCnn View Post
Just a thought. Since there are some who think Moab is too far or just dont want to drive that far, is there another destination we could consider for fall meets?
Clint, I think that is a great idea and one I have wondered about for a long time. Why is it that we only have 1 MEET A YEAR

Personally, I think regionally set up meets would be a good idea as well.

I am REALLY hoping the Mammoth Lakes 4th of July thing happens again this year, and I think that should become a regular annual meet-up thing for all of Nevada and Cali. I mean, I know a lot of people like to do more traditional things for the 4th of July, and maybe these dates are bad for that reason, but I do think we should have some sort of regional meet ups. You know, a spot that is like no more than 5-6 hours from just about everyone.

And all this makes me wonder. Where the hell are all the northern California VXers? I know they are out there? San Fran? Sacramento? Fresno? Come on!!!
