Hey rob congrats !
How much $$$$ we all talking about ?
Dakar was just the begining.
Thanks Gus!
AUD 3200 + shipping.
Which when we started would have been USD 2500, but is now more like USD 3300!!
Also, I may have missed this somewhere along the way, but I don't see the actual supercharger in the picture. Do we have to source that ourselves?
"The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong, it usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair."
-Douglas Adams, Mostly Harmless
yes, he figured you could get one of those rebuilt and save the shipping from there and back from down under.
So the 3300 is just for the hardware then we gotta buy the superhcarger itself for however much more Mag sells it for ballpark 4k+ plus shipping for all?
Shipped by air to a Washington address AUD385
Kit with bill paid by Paypal AUD3232
Total AUD3617 - USD3670 today according to xe.com
Plus the SC -
Mag unloaded some MP90's on Ebay for $250 a while ago. The snout was long for this application but a new snout was under $400 from Mag when I enquired - we got all cheap-like and machined the long snouts down ourselves
And I'll let you all know how the intall goes. :-) I may even throw in some pix. ;-)
Should be there by next week! Weeeeee!
Any progress???
Yes and no. UPS managed to lose his package.
The second set is almost ready to send now
3 cars other than mine rolling here now, all owners very happy. Two of em keen to bang up the boost, working on best way fuel the extra air now....
And I have FINALLY got MY parts for my truck....always the way LOL.