In my opinion, one of the things that now dates the JDM Vehi-Cross are the orange round side indicator repeaters Isuzu used. The American market indicators are far better .
However, the round orange indicators used are the same as those used on the Mazda MX5, and luckily it is now possible to get clear MX5 aftermarket replacements for about £15 a pair . Yes the wire connector is the same so their require no modding. The only words of warning when replacing the indicator is when you disconnect the wire don't loose it in the wing, and secondly the replacements are not made of the same plastic as the original and the plastic they've used is not as flexible. This means that the replacements' retaining clip can easily break off (which is what happened to me ). But this simple mod really makes a difference. Saying that I'm thinking of having a better shaped indicator (I really don't like the round ones)