Quote Originally Posted by ZEUS View Post
I remember one weird childhood event that changed my life forever - I was 9:
An uninsured illegal Mexican driving a rusty Ranchero hit me whilst doing 60 mph as I was leaving the school bus. This was the pre-cursor to a bunch of childhood memories:
1st time my shoe flew 50 yards into a cottonfield.
1st time breaking my leg.
1st time seeing the top of a school bus!
Landing on pavement for the 1st time.
Blacking out for the 1st time.
Waking up from my 1st black out. My sister was dragging me out of the street while another speeding car passed the bus illegally.
1st ambulance ride.
1st surgery.
1st 50 staples.
1st CAT scan.
1st temperature of 106. Drain Bamage? ...well, if you know me...
1st spinal tap.
1st sponge bath that scalded the nurses while I was shivering.
1st catheder.
1st time seeing my innards on a screen as they filled me up with fluids, checking for leaks.
1st time spending Christmas in the hospital.
1st time I heard my dad was going to murder someone. He didn't.
1st time on crutches.
1st time I couldn't poop for a week.
1st time I had a doctor slip his finger in my arse to see why I couldn't poop for a week.
1st time home schooling.
1st time I was taken away from my friends and placed in the troubled students class with all the Mexicans who couldn't speak English.
1st time I experienced hatred and racism while being pushed off my crutches.
1st time I expressed, understood, and accepted hatred and racism inside me.

After that weirdness, a mis-spent yoot indeed...
Bitter, party of one...
You forgot one:
1st post on this thread to make me shoot soda outta my nose (OUCH) while reading it!
Thanks for sharing your pain....