Quote Originally Posted by tomdietrying View Post
Here's my youth story in 1971.

I remember my friend (age 8), my brother (age 8), and myself (age 7) forming a lawn mowing service. We called it the GTX (Gary, Xavier, Tom) Lawn Mowing Company. We wrote out our business cards on index cards and put them on peoples doors. When we got our first customer, I was not allowed inside because I was not old enough to negotiate the price. My brother and friend negotiated the price for $3.00. That's mowing, raking up all the clippings (we didn't have a mower with a bag), and edging.

Needless to say, my brother an friend did not check out the backyard before settling on the $3.00 TOTAL fee. The back yard was at least a foot high. Our mower would go about a foot and stall out. It took us 4 days to finish the whole yard. I'll do the math for you. We each earned 25 cents a day for 4 days!
http://www.vehicross.info/forums/att...&d=1244920266I did learn from that experience to keep my word. I wanted to quit so many times, but my older brother would let me. We all stuck it out. Oh yeah, our company didn't last too much after that either.

Oh wow, I thought you were going to say that you were one of the original founders of GTX International Lawn Mowing Co. Seriously, your brother taught you right, always keep your word. Also 25 cents a day was a lot of money when I was 7yrs. old. Of course that was 1954. Good story.