When I was 10 years old HO scale trains were the thing. Of course I wanted one. My folks had some friends serving in Germany who had told them about Marklin trains. My folks sent them $100.00 to mail me a Marklin from Germany in time for Christmas. Well Christmas eve came and no train, my folks were in a panic as i would have no gift from santa. My dad scrambled out and got me a new Schwin, of course i was kinda confused Christmas day i got a bike and wanted a train. My folks talked to their friends in Germany and they stated the train had been sent like 2 months ahead of Christmas. (for you younger VX'rs there was no UPS or Fed-Ex) anyway, exactly one year later this package shows up right before Christmas. So that Christmas i got whatever it was i wanted and a Marklin train. The package had been like in like 15 countries and finally ended up in Okla.(no not by pony express either). I still have it. thanks for listening.