Ldub, very astute of you, the angles are actually the same, the driver side plate is just an inch longer, so I need to trim that off today. I forgot about the fact that one side of the crossbar is an inch longer than the other. No worries, the angles are the exact same, if you measure the distance from the crease to where the cut begins, or look at it with respect to the turn signals, they match up.

The glory of all this, it is completely removeable, and I would be willing to wager that none of you would be 100% successful at attempting something on this scale on your first try, and I don't mean first try at building your bumper, but first try at welding, cutting steel, fabrication and so on.
It is easy to say "I would make it curved, and match the lines" but in reality, without very specialized equipment, you can't just "curve" 1/4" thick steel. I also did all of this in my garage, on my own dime with my own tools, vice access to tools at work or whatnot. My bumper is more than 5 times as thick as the factory bumper and is essentially bullet proof. I understand that it is not the most aesthetically pleasing (bit of an understatement), but it is my first one, and I cannot begin to tell you how much I have learned doing it. Let me fill in the empty space, get the lights wired up, the skid plate mounted, and it will not be near as bad as you think. I have a vision...when I bought the VX at first, everyone here made fun of how ridiculous it looked, sitting low to the ground, looked like a ballooned up ricer hatchback.
I told them to give me a few months, and now they admit that it looks pretty mean, more like a truck should look. I had a vision of what I wanted, and now it is there. (except the bumper). I also have a vision of how the bumper will turn out...