^-1. My thoughts:

(1) Unless you've done a really good business with these guys in the past, I think it's highly unlikely that they're going to be willing to start over from scratch. Shops have fixed time estimates for every service job they perform, and most will bill you for that number of hours no matter how long it really takes (this plus parts mark-ups are where shops make a profit). If they took 9.75 hours to perform the initial install they have, at a minimum, already lost all profit on the job; but more than likely they're actually in the hole several hundred dollars at this point. I have a hard time believing that the shop will choose to lose hundreds more to deinstall/reinstall, especially if (as mentioned above) you don't do a large amount of business with them. I agree with RiffRaff that you should definitely ask, but I would expect them to argue that the exhaust system is functional and that redoing it just to make it pretty is unreasonable.

(2) There are thousands of shops in any given state, and many do mediocre to shoddy work and get away with it every day. Highly unlikely that the law will intervene unless there's credible evidence that this is a massive scam that's ripping off lots of people, since it costs the attorney's office a ton of money to investigate and prosecute this kind of crime. Plus it's not like you needed a new alternator or some other critical repair and they sent you away with a dangerous misinstallation; you chose to do a performance/appearance mod that most citizens could never afford, and your complaint basically circles around the notion that it wasn't pretty enough. Unfortunately, from the AG's perspective, I don't think there's a compelling argument to even look into it, much less ever see results (slow or otherwise).

(3) Same reasons as (2), but for ratings rather than $$$. If the story isn't big enough to engage a wide audience, they're just not going to be interested.

I feel for you and do think you're getting ripped off, but I think the reality is that you're going to have to pay for it one way or the other. Personally I'd rather incur additional cost to have it done right by another shop than to take it back and hope they don't screw something else up in the process of fixing it. It's a crappy situation, but unfortunately I think you're stuck.

Sorry dude.