Heh, I always get a kick out of super-deformers. Fun and cute.

Speaking of short and squat, I "watched" an accident in a construction zone last week involving a Smartcar. It t-boned the front driver's fender of a little Saturn coupe (was at fault for pulling out without the right of way) and the Smart car did a Duke boys roll up into the air and across the hood maneuver before landing on the other side of the Saturn and rolling/bouncing 3 times like a beach ball. As a bunch of the workers/street pavers nearby were running over, the guy in the Smart tried to climb out of the pass-side window that was facing UP now and as he did so, his weight almost rolled the car back over of the roof with him halfway out. The crew gathered and held the car while others helped the guy down to sit on the curb.... faced gushing with blood. In all, it was about a 20-25mph collision. Never in my life will I step foot in one of those after seeing that.